Internet Marketing and Online Business

Many bloggers view blogging as a mere hobby, but those who approach it as a serious business have the potential to a fortune.

Adam Enfroy, a prominent blogger, has proven this concept by achieving tremendous success and rapid growth in his blogging career.

Back in early 2019, Adam Enfroy emerged as one of the fastest-growing bloggers, taking his blog from ground zero to an impressive $350,000 per month blogging business within just two years.

The photo below is Adam enfroy income report.

adam enfroy income reports

Adam Enfroy generously shares his valuable insights and strategies that contributed to his remarkable achievements.

Through his course, the Blog Growth Engine, and his YouTube channel, he imparts the knowledge and techniques that have helped him reach such milestones in his blogging journey.

In this post, I’ll be unveiling all of Adam Enfroy’s blogging strategies, which I’ve thoroughly studied, to shed light on how he accomplished such extraordinary success.

Keep reading!

Adam Enfroy Brief Overview

Adam Enfroy is a professional blogger who primarily focuses on helping people make money blogging as a business.

adam enfroy blog

Adam enfroy is in his late 30s and he started his blog after he quit working as an affiliate marketing manager in BigCommerce (a SaaS company).

Due to his experience managing the BigCommerce affiliate program – aggressively working to recruit, activate, and engage bloggers and influencers to promote BigCommerce.

He was able to discover the revenue potential of how much a blog can make and started his blog which now has over 500k monthly readers in brand traffic.

adam enfroy blog traffic

And makes $350k/month.

adam enfroy income reports

In Details:

  • In the first 3 months of launching his blog, he did aggressive link-building by reaching out to bloggers for guest posting
  • Outsource 80%  of the writing to content writers
  • In six months, he generated over 3000+ backlinks
  • Started monetizing his blog 9 months later which resulted in over $350k/per month
  • So instead of taking the typical route of writing, promoting, and sharing his blog content, Adam enfroy focuses on scaling processes.

How did he achieve this and why should you copy this approach? keep reading.

Aggressive Link Building Accelerates Results

When you start a new blog, it usually takes several months or even up to a year to see it rank well on Google and gain authority and trust.

This is especially true if you’re in a competitive niche.

However, Adam Enfroy was able to defy this timeline with his blog.

Despite being in a highly competitive niche, he managed to grow his blog from scratch to an impressive 500,000 monthly visitors in just two years.

How did he do it? The key to his success was aggressive link-building.

By actively and strategically building links to his blog, Adam was able to speed up the process and achieve remarkable results in a shorter time.

What is Link Building?

Link building is the process of building backlinks known as hyperlinks to your website.

When one website links back to your website, it is called backlinks.


And backlinks are Google’s most important ranking factor.

The more backlinks your blog gets, the more authoritative Google considers your blog which can lead to higher rankings.

Blogging is A business Not a Hobby

According to statistics, around 80% of bloggers fail because they don’t treat blogging as a real business.

This is a fact because “treating a blog as a hobby can’t transition bloggers from writers to business owners“.

Blogging has evolved from being a hobby to a serious endeavor, driven by the potential future benefits it brings to people’s businesses.

Successful bloggers who earn six figures treat their blogs as thriving businesses.

Adam Enfroy recognized this approach and transformed his blog into a business, which significantly contributed to his growth and success.

By treating his blog as a business, he was able to achieve impressive results, reaching the six-figure range as a blogger.

If you aim to achieve similar outcomes, it’s essential to treat your blog with the same seriousness and dedication as you would treat an entire business.

This means investing time, effort, and resources into your blog, understanding your audience, providing value, and implementing effective strategies to ensure its growth and success.

Perfectionism Is An Enemy

Just like professional bloggers say, publish the best content possible on your blog as that guarantees your success blogging.

That holds true for bloggers as that is one reason why backlinko founder, Brian Dean created one of the most SEO blogs.

about backlinko

Brian Dean is a big fan of creating the best possible content that beat his competitor and it takes him 72 hours just to create content for his blog.

but adam enfroy doesn’t blog through this route.

Rather than spending much time on his post, just to publish that one perfect content, he publishes as he can and updates them later as they rank on Google

Each Article Is A Minibuisness

Every article in blogging is like a mini-business, and this is what makes blogging a great investment.

Take Adam Enfroy’s blog as an example.

It earns a remarkable $29 per reader, which is quite impressive when you think about it. How does he achieve this? Well, one of his articles ranks as the top result for a keyword related to podcast hosting.

Adam enfroy blog post on podcast hosting

Adam made some decent affiliate revenue from that article, but he didn’t stop there. He noticed that advertisers were paying around $16 per click for that specific keyword.

So, he took the initiative to reach out to a brand and proposed a sponsorship deal.

He offered to showcase their tools on his blog and charge them only $8 per click, which is half of what they were paying for running ads with that keyword.

With this arrangement, Adam sells one click for $8, and he receives a hundred of those clicks every month. As a result, this single article alone makes him an incredible $5000 per month.

adam enfroy video on how he made $5000 on a single article

In summary, Adam’s approach demonstrates how individual blog articles can be turned into profitable business ventures, making blogging a lucrative investment.

This boils down:

  • The keyword you ranking for
  • The niche your keyword is in
  • How well-optimized is the article for monetization?

Traffic Doesn’t Equal Revenue

Traffic Isn’t the Sole Driver of Revenue

Adam Enfroy’s blog used to attract over 500,000 monthly readers from Google until a core update caused a decline in traffic.

According to ahrefs, there was a noticeable drop in traffic, but Adam Enfroy disagreed, asserting that his traffic wasn’t as stagnant as the SEO tools say.

Interestingly, despite this slight decline in traffic, Adam’s revenue didn’t suffer. The reason behind this is his smart monetization strategy, which wasn’t solely reliant on individual articles.

This situation highlights an essential aspect of digital marketing: many marketers often prioritize increasing traffic as the primary step to boost return on investment (ROI).

The belief is that more traffic leads to more sales, creating a direct correlation.

However, what truly matters is not just the quantity of traffic, but its quality.

Focusing on attracting the right audience and engaging them with valuable content and offers can lead to more meaningful conversions and revenue, even if overall traffic may fluctuate.

Diversify Your Monetization Strategy

To achieve six-figure blog monetization, diversification is crucial.

Relying solely on affiliate marketing can be risky, as fluctuations in your blog’s rankings can impact your earnings. Therefore, it’s wise to have a safety net in place, such as an Ads network.

Diversifying your income streams through sponsorship deals, offering consultations, and selling courses can safeguard against over-reliance on a single monetization method, which could be detrimental.

Adam Enfroy understands the significance of diversification and employs multiple monetization methods for his blog, including:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Course sales
  • Ads
  • Consultations

By using these varied approaches, he ensures a stable and sustainable income, reducing the potential risks associated with depending solely on one method.

Adam Enfroy Action Plan (Why You Should Copy This)

We have witnessed how these strategies have contributed to the remarkable success of Adam Enfroy’s blog, enabling him to achieve significant earnings through blogging.

Ultimately, these three primary goals have been the driving force behind his success:

  • Obtain backlinks to enhance Domain Authority.
  • Accelerate organic traffic growth.
  • Monetize his site within a short period of 3-6 months.

By focusing on these objectives, Adam has managed to create a highly influential blog that attracts a large audience and generates substantial income, making his blogging journey truly inspiring.

How Much Does Adam Enfroy Earn?

Adam Enfroy earns over $ 2 million dollars from his blog per year and $350,000 per month from different monetization streams.

Most of his revenue streams come from brand-sponsored deals on his blog posts, affiliate marketing,, and course sales.

Adam Enfroy’s Net Worth:

Adam Enfroy has published over 3oo blog posts and 300+ Youtube videos and accumulated over $4,500,000 a year with just 3 online businesses.

  • Adamenfroy blog
  • Adam Enfroy’s YouTube channel
  • Blog growth engine which is Adam Enfroy’s course

With that, Adam Enfroy’s worth is estimated to be $ 12 million from this (3) of his online business.

Is Adam Enfroy Trustworthy?

Adam Enfroy is 100% a trustworthy successful and skilled blogger who has achieved remarkable results in the blogging industry. He has effectively employed various strategies, such as aggressive link-building, diversifying monetization methods, and prioritizing quality content over traffic quantity.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams

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