Internet Marketing and Online Business

The blogging industry in Nigeria has experienced remarkable expansion, attracting numerous aspiring bloggers who are eager to learn how to start a successful blog and monetize it effectively.

In this post, I will present you with 9 FREE sources where you can learn blogging in Nigeria and simultaneously generate income.

Interestingly, these sources I am about to disclose served as my learning platforms, enabling me to grow my client’s blog to over 6,000 searches within a year.

Nick dams client blog traffic

And also allows me to rank on page 1 of Google.

Damshustle blog ranking for keywords like random blogging

And my first income came from the blog.

picoworkers-affiliate earnings

The Good Part is all free resources that don’t require you to pay anything.

So let us dive right in.

 Best Sources to Learn Blogging in Nigeria

So I have compiled a list of these sources you can start learning to blog right away from Nigeria.

If I were to start my blogging career right from scratch, these are the go-to sources I would look out to.

Website Learner’s YouTube channel

website learners youtube channel

Believe me, if you’re looking to create a blog, having a strong command of WordPress is essential, as it is the most popular and powerful content management system (CMS) for bloggers.

However, for beginners, installing WordPress can be challenging at first, which is where channel Learners come to the rescue.

Website Learners is an Indian-based media company with a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching individuals how to become WordPress experts.

Their approach to teaching WordPress is designed to simplify the learning process, ensuring that even a five-year-old can understand the concepts easily.

During my early days of Blogging, I found it hard to understand what SEO is and how to implement it.

Not until I came across these videos by website learners.

Thanks to this video, that was how my blogging journey started, and am forever grateful for it.

Now I am recommending them to you.

Ahrefs Youtube Channel

ahrefs as a saas company

Ahrefs, a comprehensive paid SEO tool, provides bloggers with the necessary features to conduct keyword research, competitor analysis, and access valuable metrics that contribute to achieving higher rankings on Google.

To facilitate blog growth, utilizing an SEO tool is crucial, and Ahrefs fulfills this need effectively.

Additionally, Ahrefs offers a free resource center that serves as a learning platform for aspiring bloggers.

Recognizing the importance of educating users about SEO, Ahrefs has launched its own YouTube channel and blog.

ahrefs youtube channel

Through these channels, they provide valuable insights, teach SEO techniques, and recommend their tool as a valuable resource to assist bloggers in accomplishing their blogging goals.

To get started, Check out this Beginner Guide To SEO video.

Income School YouTube Channel

Income School is an educational-based company that specializes in imparting internet marketing principles to individuals through their websites, YouTube channels, and Project 24 membership.

The cofounders Ricky Kesler and Jim Harmer and entire members ensure they provide the best pieces of information on how to build a full-time income blogging.

income school members

Having achieved success in building multiple niche sites and guiding more than 100 members, Income School offers a proven and actionable plan for growing your blog through its paid program, Project 24.

These blogging experts generously share free information on their YouTube channel, which can be instrumental in launching your blogging career.

Take a look at these videos where they provide a roadmap and a step-by-step action plan for earning $4,000 per month with your blog within one year.

Based on the video, they plan on using ad networks like Google AdSense, and other ad platforms to get their site monetized.

Backlinko SEO Personal Blog

about backlinko

If I were to compile a list of the top 10 valuable resources for learning to blog in Lagos, Nigeria, and exclude the Backlinko blog, I would be doing justice to this post.

The Backlinko blog, founded by Brian Dean and later acquired by SEMrush (a SAAS company), is a go-to destination for actionable blogging and SEO tips that can contribute to the growth of a successful blog.

Acknowledged as one of the most popular and valuable blogs to follow and learn marketing by Ahrefs, the Backlinko blog serves as an excellent platform to advance your blogging journey due to its amazing blog content.

Additionally, they offer an SEO hub where you can gain insights into advanced SEO tactics.

backlinko seo hub

Ahrefs Blogs

As previously mentioned, Ahrefs is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that specializes in SEO.

They provide educational content on SEO through their YouTube channel, where you can learn valuable insights.

In addition to their YouTube channel, Ahrefs maintains a blog that offers helpful resources to support bloggers in achieving success.

Feel free to explore their blog and absorb as much information as possible.

It’s worth noting that Ahrefs tends to promote its tools alongside the information it provides on its website.

While this can be advantageous, it may not be suitable for bloggers on a tight budget, as their tool subscription costs $100 per month.

However, in Nigeria, a monthly expense of $100 can be considered relatively high.

Nonetheless, remember that your SEO knowledge shouldn’t be limited solely to Ahrefs or any specific tool.

There are plenty of other avenues to expand your understanding of SEO without financial constraints.

Facebook Groups

For newbie bloggers venturing into the dynamic world of blogging, finding guidance, support, and networking opportunities is crucial.

When I started blogging, I faced the challenge of not having anyone to look up to for assistance.

While watching videos and consuming online information helped to some extent, it wasn’t enough.

During my blogging journey, I encountered technical issues with my blog that left me clueless about how to fix them.

Despite searching for solutions online, I couldn’t find a resolution.

Fortunately, I discovered a supportive blogger community on Facebook that proved to be a lifeline.

bloggers forum on facebook

It’s important to note that online information and videos can provide valuable insights into the blogging process and roadmap.

However, they may not prepare you for the challenges you will encounter along the way. This is where blogger communities like Facebook groups come to the rescue.

In these groups, newbie bloggers can find a wealth of experienced bloggers who are ready to offer their assistance. Whether it’s troubleshooting technical issues, providing advice on content creation, or sharing strategies for growth, these communities become valuable resources.

The collective knowledge and support from fellow bloggers in these groups can help newcomers overcome obstacles and navigate their blogging journey more effectively.

They provide a space where bloggers can connect with like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of the blogging world.

my success story i shared on blogger forum facebook group

In addition to guidance and support, these communities also offer excellent networking opportunities. By connecting with other bloggers in Facebook groups, newbie bloggers can form meaningful relationships that may lead to collaborations, guest posting opportunities, or joint ventures.

The power of networking within these communities opens doors to new possibilities and expands one’s reach within the blogging sphere.

You can scan this QR code to also participate in the blogging community here on Facebook.

QR code for blogging community on facebook for nigerians


HubSpot, a prominent inbound marketing website, stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive solutions for marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software is also a great blogging platform.

In addition to their robust software offerings, they also provide a range of digital marketing courses, including free courses specifically focused on blogging.

hubspot free courses

By taking these courses, aspiring bloggers can learn the fundamental principles and best practices that contribute to successful content creation, engagement, and audience growth.

One remarkable aspect of HubSpot is its commitment to making valuable education accessible to all.

By providing free courses, they enable aspiring marketers and bloggers to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the online landscape without financial barriers.

These courses cover a diverse range of topics, including digital marketing essentials, content creation, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email list building, and more.

Each course is meticulously designed to deliver practical insights and actionable strategies that can be directly applied to blogging endeavors.

What sets HubSpot apart is its emphasis on hands-on learning.

Through their free courses, participants engage in interactive exercises, case studies, and real-world examples, allowing them to gain practical experience and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.

This experiential approach equips bloggers with the tools they need to create compelling content, attract a loyal audience, and achieve their marketing objectives.

Check out their free courses.


Udemy is a great resource to learn anything under the sun. And they also have some free courses on blogging as well.

You can explore the platform and check out free courses from bloggers who make a living blogging.


Twitter, often underestimated, is a powerful microblogging platform.

Having been an active user on Twitter for the past five years, I can attest to the fact that it has been an invaluable source for my blogging education.

This is primarily because many expert bloggers utilize Twitter as a marketing tool, sharing their knowledge and insights.

When it comes to content marketing, Twitter is a treasure trove of valuable information, especially if you follow influential bloggers within your niche.

These bloggers often share quick, essential snippets of knowledge that may not be readily available on their websites.

For instance, I’ve come across tweets that I wouldn’t have easily found in a traditional blog post through online searches.

tweets on ghat gbt on twitter

This is a testament to the immense value Twitter holds in helping you learn about blogging and other marketing-related topics.

Steps to Starting Your Blog

Step #1: Choose a niche.

Step #2: Sign up for a hosting account that comes with a free domain (learn more).

Step #3: Choose your blogging domain.

Step #4: Choose a responsive WordPress blogging theme.

Step #5: install the necessary plugin tools for your blog.

Step #6: Start publishing your posts.

Over To You?

Now we have come to the end of today’s post.

Which of these mediums are you going to try first or familiar with?

Do you prefer watching YouTube videos or reading content online, let me know in the comments.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams