Internet Marketing and Online Business

Is blogging still worth it in 2023? Let’s find out.

A research study by Microsoft Corps seems to amaze me today and it is worth mentioning in today’s article.

On Average, the Human retention span is below 8 seconds.

And I keep wondering if people still spend more time reading blog articles. if not, then I consider blogging to be “DEAD”.

But however, These stats from Oberlo has finally put an end to this Undying Question.

How searches are on Google per month

And when we Look at it from this angle, then we could visualize something.

60% of the searches are covered by Blogs (I guessed) & 30% are brand searches on Google search.

In fact, I could see this for myself anytime I search for information on Google and I get dozens of blog pages in front of me.

And then applying some maths, 60% of 8.5 billion searches are 51 Billion.

So on Average, Over 51 billion searches are redirected to blogs.

Now is blogging still dead? I don’t think so as statistics don’t lie.

About 7.5 million new blogs are published daily.

And when we pop the word blogging into Google trends in the past 5 years, Blogging has always been on steady growth over time.

Blogging trends on Google

Statistically proven, Blogging is not Dead.

As long as people still find information on Google, then Blogging can never be dead, either as a hobby or blogging for business.

Is Blogging Worth It In 2023?

Blogging is still relevant in today’s digital landscape because it helps improve website SEO, build brand authority, provide a platform for customer engagement, and drive social media engagement.

Consistently publishing high-quality content on a blog can help establish a business as an authority in its industry and attract more traffic, leads, and sales.

In addition, a blog is a great way to interact with customers and build a community around a brand.

If you’re not already blogging for your business, now is a great time to start.

How Much Can I Make Blogging?

Blogging can be versatile in nature and when it comes to making money with it, you are left out with a lot more monetization opportunities.

And it all boils down to your niche, your audience, and mostly your ability to effectively monetize your blog.

But the reality is that some bloggers earn a significant amount (like 5 to 6 figures), while others only earn a fraction of that and some don’t even make a penny.

To make money and also increase the odds of you making a significant money blogging, you need double down on quality content that appeals to your target audience.

Not just that, build a loyal following and rank for some keywords that can pull a decent amount of traffic to your blog and also turn those traffic into leads or monetize those traffic by putting ads on your blog and more.

In other words, the ability for you to make money blogging actually depends on your level of skills and traffic.

So it is very important to keep in mind that it can take a lot of time and effort to build a successful blog, and it is not also a guaranteed source of income.

If you are considering starting a blog as a way to make money fast, then it is important to have realistic expectations and to be prepared to put in the work necessary to build and grow your blog.

How do Bloggers make money?

Like I said earlier, blogging is versatile, and making money with it depends on your level of skills in the industry.

And there are many ways bloggers monetize their blog content and each way varies by niche and type of audience they are building.

But in General, bloggers make money through the following means.

Display Ads:

This very common method and it is usually one of the fastest ways to actually keep the ball rolling.

It simply displays advertisements on your blogs and the more clicks and impressions you get on those ads determines the amount of money you can make.

And there are many ads networks that actually provide you with these opportunities to get started, they are:

Google Adsense


Mediavine etc.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is simply recommending other people’s products and whenever people buy from you, you earn a commission.

This is a common way Bloggers can earn a commission by simply promoting products or services on their blog and earning a commission when their readers make a purchase through their unique affiliate link.

Sponsorship Deals:

If your blog is ranking on some keywords that can bring potential customers to some brands, they will simply reach out to you for a sponsorship deal.

So instead, these brands will pay you a decent amount of money to help them place their services or products on your blogs instead.

Services & Courses:

Most bloggers sell their services on their blogs instead.

For example, most successful bloggers actually sell services to aspiring bloggers through consultations and coaching, etc.

While others sell their course instead.

Benefits Of Blogging

Blogging offers you a lot more benefits than any other medium of brand advertising could ever do.

For example, if your blog ranks for keywords like best weight loss supplements, then when people find your blog and read it if your article provides value to them, then they will like you and trust your blog as well.

So with that, you enjoy the following benefits of blogging.

More streams of monetization

Build your brand

Allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with readers.

Improve your writing skills

Brand Exposure and more visibility

Engaging with your audience

As a business owner who is blogging for business, blogging can provide you with more customers when you rank for keywords your potential customers are searching for and create a detailed article to solve that problem for them.

How to start a profitable blog in 2023?

Let’s get started.

Choose a Niche:

Before you begin creating a blog for yourself, you need to decide the niche you are to venture into before you begin your blogging journey.

For example, Do you have an interest in fashion, then set up a fashion blog.

Do you have an interest in cooking, then set up a food blog.

So before deciding to build a blog, the very first step is to decide the niche you want to be blogging about.

Choose a Domain Name:

Your domain name is as important as your blog niche itself as they both work hand in hand.

A brandable domain name is what differentiates your blog from a lot of blogs in your space.

So setting up a unique and brandable domain name that can be easily spelled, remembered, and memorizable helps your blog branding as well.

Thinks of domain names that are very popular in your space or site names you come across.

Sites like Amazon, eBay, Fiverr, etc

You can see how easy it is to pronounce, to be spelled, and to remember.

Choose a Hosting and Register Your Domain:

To get your blog on track, you have to set it up and active online.

And it’s all about buying hosting and a domain for a few bucks.

So I recently put out a post on how to start a blog with as low as $35 and make money.

Choose a Blogging Platform:

There are a lot of blogging platforms that you can use to manage your blog content, way down from Wix, Squarespace, wordpress, and more.

And WordPress holds 48% of every site you find on the internet making it the most popular blog content management platform over its competitors.

To manage your blog on wordpress and you enjoy a lot more functionalities and less free from a lot of coding and more.

Start Publishing Contents:

Once you set up your hosting and domain, it is high time you start publishing content on your blog.

So I have put out a step guide on blogging Tips that can help you stay right on track.

In other words, develop a content strategy that includes a mix of informative, helpful, and engaging articles on your blog.

Consistently posting high-quality content will help you attract and retain readers.

Focus On SEO:

SEO simply means search engine optimization is actually a process where you optimize posts so they can rank on Google as well.

So SEO should be your primary source of getting consistent traffic over time.

And it all boils down to some important Metrics and practices that can help your page ranking on Google for the keyword you optimize it for.

Monetize Your Blog:

Once your SEO practices are now put in place, then you start getting some traffic to your blog.

And once that is done, then you should start thinking of monetization.

And that includes placing ads on your sites, recommending other people’s products (affiliate marketing), etc.

Final Thoughts

Blogging is not dead and is not going to be in the coming years as long as people still search for information on Google and blog pages appear as resource pages to solve the problem.

So if you are planning on starting a blog, then the best time to start blogging is now blogging also gives you a lot more opportunities of making money than your average 9 to 5 jobs can offer you.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

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