Internet Marketing and Online Business

Inflations are going up,

naira is 700/$

and prices of goods and items are going higher on a daily basis but salary remains constant.

And also cost of living in Nigeria is unbearable, especially for low-level income earners.

So in today’s post,

I am going to reveal to you, the 17 best side hustle businesses you can start within Nigeria with a click button.

The Good Part:

  • they only require a fraction of your time
  • Most of them are usually free to start.
  • They work on all devices, mobile, and PC.

These side hustles are not just businesses I scraped out of the thin air.

they are side-hustles that have been tested by me and most of them are now paying m $300 per month and above passively.

$300 per month may sound small to you, but in naira, it is 124,760 naira,  AWESOME.

300 dollars to naira

With this type of side hustle business where you don’t spend all your time with?

then it is definitely worth trying for yourself.

So enough of the whole story and let’s get back to business.

The top 17 side hustle business is

Buy Low Sell High On Jumia

Buy high sell low on jumia is more like a local business module but these activities are done online.

I can explain.

For example, take a look at these cheap baby shoes I find from an e-commerce store in china.

china ecommerce sites baby shoes cheap prices

These two baby shoe costs 119 JPY and 335 JPY.

And in naira, it is.

119 jpy to naira


335 jpy to naira

WOW! that means we could get children’s shoes below 1000 naira.

But on jumia, their price range differs and the minimum price is above 3000 naira.jumia baby shoes

Now imagine buying all these items from china in bulk and selling on jumia, and Konga for higher prices.

You make a whole lot of money by buying low and selling high.

And the Good part, shipping is free in china and it takes about 2 weeks for the item to land on your doorstep.

One more thing, you can also sell at local stores or supply to supermarkets and sell at higher rates.

SWEET, lemme know in the comments sections by commenting with the word “Ecom”

if you are interested in executing this business module and I will walk you through the step-by-step process.

That is because there is a whole lot to this process, that this article can not cover.

That said.

Comedy Skits

Have you ever wondered why comedy skits makers are most successful?

Look at the likes of,


Mr macaroni

Tacoma and Sydney talker,

If you are a Nigerian, then you would be familiar with these names.

nigerian comedy skit makers

What do they have in common?

They are all comedy skit makers and they make a massive huge amount of money with their skits.

How? by uploading their skits and videos on social media platforms and getting paid.


Platforms like,

Having a Facebook page,

youtube channel,

and growing their Instagram profiles.

So if you know you can turn people’s stories into laughter, then you should give comedy skits a trial.

Trust me

Gone are the days when stand-up Nigeria was the house of comedy medium, but with the help of all these platforms.

We now get paid based on the number of views we get to our video.

And that leads us to the next step.


Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it is still considered a side hustle business in Nigeria.

Blogging is all about written content and it is usually done with blogging websites.

You write contents that people are searching for on Google and optimize your article around it.

This time people will easily reach out to you or your business, and you sell a service or recommend a product to them.

If you are new to blogging and still don’t understand further, let me break it down for you in Layman’s terms.

But if you get the idea, scroll to the next section.

If you go and google and search for this word, the “best phones in Nigeria below 100k” on Google.

Google results- best phone below 100k

And you get a list of phones below 100k on Google SERP (search engine results page).

If you click any link above, you land yourself on this page.

If you buy any of these phones as shown, the owner of the blog earns a commission (more on that later).

naijaknowhow article

Now imagine if over 1000 people are searching this same thing on Google and landing on this same page.

And half of them are buying phones from this blog page, the owner makes money passively.

This is why most Nigerian Bloggers earn a lot from their blogs passively.

And that is how blogging works, you optimize your article for Google and they rank it.

Just as my article ranked paged 1, for these keywords.

damshustle ranking on page of google

and my blog gets,damshustle other blog pageviews

The more you rank, the more money you make passively.

This process is termed blogging and generating blogging ideas can help you scale up and get maximum traffic.

So to get started, you can check out my guide on how to start a blog with less than $35


Iphoe reviews affiliate comparism video

Unlike blogging where it is just written texts only, with Youtube you make videos and earn by youtube partner program.

And that is why blogging and youtube are different based on the content output,

but they are both sustainable ways to make money as a side hustle.

That said! you make money making videos.

Now you may be wondering, but hey am shy about getting in front of the camera, that’s fine.

But if you’re not, Good for you.

Either way, you both make money like it’s no one’s business.

And that is simple.

According to youtube,

you need at least 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers to be enabled to earn from the youtube partner program.

youtube partner program- monetization requirments

And there you have it, unlike before where it is just 4000 watch hours without time interval.

So now Youtube now made it clear, that after 1 year of meeting the requirements you can apply.

Well, it is easy to get 4000 watch hours and 100o subscribers and that involves Youtube SEO.

And that helped me increase my client’s youtube channel by 150%,


after i made changes

That said, you wouldn’t want to wait for a year to start earning, especially when you started getting views.

And that can be done with Youtube affiliate marketing.

Luckily for you, I have a complete guide to that.

Fiverr freelancing

Let’s face it, we all have something in us that differentiate us from one another.

It could be talents or skills.

Well, that said, how can we monetize this skill and make an income for ourselves?

And that can be possible with Fiverr freelancing platforms.

Whether you have a skill or not, you can still make money from Fiverr.

Fiverr earnings

But if you have one, luckily for you.

Fiverr has tons of skills you can ever find on the planet, down to

Digital marketing> SEO, social media manager, etc.

Graphics and designs> logo designs, ebook covers, youtube thumbnails

Writing & Translation> article writing, email copy, sales copy, etc

fiverr skill on homepage

If are you a good writer, then go and create a writing gig on Fiverr.

Do you have experience growing any social media account,

then go sign up as a social media manager and sell your services, NICE?

Picoworkers jobs

“Pico” means “small”

“Workers”“get paid for doing tasks”

Picoworkers is a site where you get paid for performing little tasks, and it takes less than 2 minutes to do.

picoworkers top earners

That is the Good news, the bad news is. these tasks are usually paid in cents which is less than a dollar.

and they can require you to do more jobs, but you can still find high-paying jobs too.

For example, you get paid whenever you complete any of these tasks.

picoworkers job above $1

SWEET, now imagine if you do these all day.

Well, I also made a review of my experience with picoworkers.

Not just that, I also made this amount on it so, so I something I am doing for myself.

picoworkers-affiliate earnings

Freelance writing

content writingIn fact, writing is one of the lucrative skills out there and you can attach it to a side hustle business.

It is easy, if only you have the passion for it or you are a good writer.

You can sell your writing services on Fiverr, but not just anywhere in the world.

If you know you are a good writer, reach out to big site owners and show them your writing skills and they hire you.

I mean, reaching out to websites or blogs that have a large audience, and trust me, they will always need writers.

The blog owners can not do all the work themselves, so they hire writers to help them out.

How Can You Get Clients To Pay You For Writing

Use social media:

First head over to the Twitter search bar and search for the term, “I need a writer” and you get a list.

Use the latest results section as shown below.

twitter search- i need a writer

And that will help you filter out posts that are recently published and reach out to those profiles.

Let them know if the position is still open, so you can fill in that space.

If not, then that leads us to step #2.

But don’t worry when they said they don’t need it anymore, you got a big advantage.

They now have you in mind whenever they needed a writer in the future.

But you also want to make your profile professional so that can give you an edge.

good twitter profile

Don’t get it twisted, it’s not hard. your profile just needs to contain the kind of services you offer.

Also, don’t limit your potential to Twitter alone, use Facebook too.

facebook group posts

Use Linkedin Jobs:

Sign up on LinkedIn and create a professional profile, it is free.

Leverage LinkedIn jobs and find filter out by job type and country.

And there you have it, a list of writing opportunities right at your doorstep.

linkedin jobs- content writing open positions for nigerians

Open An SEO agency

SEO means search engine optimization, and it is a process where you optimize your posts for search engines like Google.

Just like the way I optimized this article.

wordpress dashboard- random blogging post

And it ranked on page 1 of Google.

my blog ranking on google

That is cool.

Now there is a whole lot to optimizing posts on Google, and the technique behind it is beyond the scope of this post.

But if you know how to achieve this, you just got a skill that will put food on the table.

But if you don’t and seem interested to learn, Youtube is a great way to achieve this.

I recommend ahrefs SEO free course but if you don’t, then scroll to the next section

Since you do,

Reach out to many small business owners and let them know how ranking their websites on Google can bring more customers to their business.

Wow is that true? Yes….it works and it is easy.

Who doesn’t want new customers to their business?

That way, they will pay you to execute it for them, it is a win-win for both parties.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply simple.

You recommend a product and service to someone and you get a commission.

But how can you do this?

Simply recommend helpful products to anyone in need of it, and when they buy from you.

You earn a commission based on you and the vendor.

Now to be clear, it doesn’t have to be your products, you can promote other people’s products & services too.

And is what earned me my first dollar as an affiliate marketer.

bluehosts affiliate sales proof

And it is simple, I registered as an affiliate on Bluehost Webhosting and posted my referral link on sites where people are going to be interested in purchasing a Webhosting service and TADA, and I made my first sale.

The Good part, you too can achieve this all by yourself and it costs you nothing to start.

Simply registers and start promoting your affiliate links.


Tiktok is now the talk of the internet and a lot of Nigerians are doing it for fun.

They make funny videos on TikTok and they get views and then, that is all they do.

Don’t be like these sets of people, instead use that to grow your audience and market your products to them.

If you don’t have products recommend other products to people and earn a commission.

But still, as that, you can also monetize your TikTok videos, but that is a story for another day.

Learn more: how a 28-year-old lady breaks the internet after making over N415 Million Fortune by simply teaching excel on TikTok.

Sell your course on udemy

Most times selling our skill as a service is how we made the most amount of Money.

But there is more to that, an alternative I would say.

If you don’t sell your skill, then you teach people about it and get paid.

Udemy is a platform where you create your course and sell out and make money.

udemy courses

You do the creation, they do the marketing. it is a win-win scenario.

But how can you create an online course with no experience?

Trust me, it can be a tough situation when creating the course, but it pays you passively.

Imagine selling a course you created a few years ago.

That it.

Linkedin Content Marketing

Linkedin content marketing is simple.

Create a professional profile on Linkedin

Write content related to what you want to sell and promote

And then boom, there you have it.

Why LinkedIn? because it is less competitive and business focused

Web design

Every business and individual wants to have a website.

That said, you can just dedicate about 3 to 4 months and learn web design like

Full stack

Front end developer

WordPress sites


Pick one and dedicate that little amount of time to it and learn.

And when you do, you have a side hustle that can pay you for life.

Forex Trading & Cryptocurrencies.

Forex trading & cryptocurrencies can be risky and money-consuming.

Yeah, I get that, but it is a 100% life-changing business opportunity.

If you think of forex trading as a risky approach then you are not ready to make money for yourself.

Take the likes of these folks on Instagram, they are crypto and forex millionaires.

They started trading as a side hustle until now paying their bills.

So learning from a good mentor can shorten your learning curve and make you money quickly.

Social media content manager

This aspect is simple and it is a lucrative online business module.

If you know how to grow a

Facebook pages or groups

Instagram page

Then you are in demand right now.

Don’t worry if you find success growing your own social media profile, you can do that too with your client’s profile too.

Use Fiverr,

Linkedin job marketplace

Twitter and Google to find people who are looking for social media managers to grow and schedule posts on their pages for them.

Reach out to big site owners who have a social media profile but don’t post more often there, and let them how you can be of help by keeping their account active and using it to drive customers to them.

And reach out to them using this script.


I recently stumbled across your Facebook profile and noticed your latest post on that account was 6 months ago.

I couldn’t help but noticed quite a lot of your competitors [LISTS OF COMPETITORS NAME] are growing & engaging with new audiences on their profiles.

And that is bringing in more customers to their page.

As a social media manager who has found success growing Facebook pages from [STATE YOUR RESULTS].

I can help you,

Posts captivating content that will attract people to your page and result in potential customers.

Bring your profile back to life and also keep it updated on a constant basis.

Lemme know if you are ready to take this approach to the next level.

Be happy to kickstart this process.

Talk soon [YOUR NAME]

Don’t just copy and paste this, try and tweak some changes or make it suits your outreach approach.

And that leads us to the next step.

Graphics design

Every business owner, organization, websites owners, or anyone can not do without the need for a graphic designer.

Church owners need graphic designers to create banners for them.

Business owners need graphic designers to create business cards for them.

Social media managers need graphics designers to create captivating images for them.

The process goes on and on, so if you are a good designer, then you just got yourself a good side hustle in Nigeria

Now I Would Like To Hear From You.

Which of these side hustle ideas are you going to try first?

Is it buying items from china and selling at a higher purchase or,

Youtube, or interested in Web designing but don’t have the skill.

Lemme know in the comment sections, I will be happy to help.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams