Internet Marketing and Online Business

In today’s post am going to show you 11 of those sites where you can write and get paid instantly.

If you are a freelance writer or you have a passion for writing and looking forward to monetizing your writing skills,

Then you will love this list am about to reveal to you.

The Good part: it works for everyone with a smartphone, PC, and an internet connection.

When I was starting out my writing career, freelance writing is one of those side hustles that put food on my table,

So these are those sites (mentioned below) I always look out for potential writing opportunities, and I have found 80% success with them.

And am listing them all out for you.

So if you are looking forward to kickstarting your writing journey, then let’s begin.

Linkedin Job Marketplace

Linkedin is a platform where business-minded people stay connected with the right jobs or internships.

It also keeps people aware of upcoming jobs in society so they can apply. and that is one thing I love about it.

But how can we use this to our advantage, knowing fully well we needed that writing job?

Well, the Linkedin Job marketplace has all it takes for you to get that dream job offer you wanted.

As a writer, LinkedIn has a lot of options and lets you sort out based on categories

I can explain

Head over to Linkedin websites and sign up.

how to find jobs on linkedin

Sort out by “Job Alerts” on the next section you will be redirected to.

locate linkedin job alerts

And you will get a list of offers as shown to you.

linkedin jobs

Now filter out by using the search bar and other options as shown below to find “writing jobs“.

how to find jobs on linkedin

The Good part: you can filter by country, job names, job location, experience level, and more.

And that is it for Linkedin jobs.

Let’s move over to the next section.

Facebook Groups

People claim they are writers and they are in need of writing jobs, and when I find out they are on Facebook but don’t have a job. It made me worried.

If so then why are you on social media?

No worries, I was once a victim of this approach.

I believed social media is just a place to keep connections with people and get the latest information about any topic discussed under the sun.

Not until I became a freelancer that I realized I have been leveraging these platforms the wrong way.

How do I mean? I was looking for freelance writing jobs and am leveraging Facebook just to check out stories that don’t move the money needle AKA solve my problems.

And Facebook is one of them.

With Facebook, you have all that it takes to get your first or quick win writing jobs, and it is that easy.

By Joining Facebook groups related to the services you can offer as a freelance writer.

If you specialize in freelance or article writing, then join Facebook groups of bloggers who owns a blog.

YEAH! as I said, bloggers who own a blog or Facebook groups

WHY? Because they are in the best position to hire you to write for them.

For example, I got the job alerts from a blogging group on Facebook some few months back

facebook group posts

And yes, this technique works well.

Even though the pay may sound encouraging or not, there are still some profitable ones lying down there.

So go on Facebook and go get them.


If not Facebook, then Twitter.

One thing I love about this “bird app” called “Twitter” is that you can leverage the search bar and get results of some pending writing jobs for you.

For example, when I search for the word “I need a writer

twitter search- i need a writer

As you can see, I get a list of writing job opportunities right in front of me, and so as you too.

And the Good part is, that you can reach out to these profiles and let them know if the job is still available.

But there is now the thing to this, most times, most of these jobs may be out of date or probably posted a few years ago.

No worries, I get that. but still, reach out.


You are on their radar, what do I mean?

Even if most of these jobs may be outdated or already taken, it is fine.

As long as you already reach out, if they have any other jobs in the future, they have you in mind already.

So you are only building a list of potential connections.

You are not alone, this approach did work for me as well.

 Nick dams chat a clients for a writing job offer

And you can use this approach for Facebook.

Pro Tips: you also need to ensure your profile speaks out the services you are to render in case you land yourself a writing job.

good twitter profile

For example, as shown above.

Now there is nothing wrong with this approach, but assuming these profiles came to me for a writing job, I will be willing to offer the user.

Why? because their profile speaks to the services they render.

As a job seeker who wants a writing job,

it wouldn’t be nice if you had irrelevant info on your profile because it reduces the odds of your employee hiring you.

Know these and save yourselves peace.

Google search

In every information you need, always put google in front first.

Google isn’t just meant for searching for data or just mere research work.

You can also get writing jobs by simply searing on Google.

Write for us google search results

Use Google search and you get a list of Write and Get Paid Sites.

write and get paid google search results

I recommend the following search strings.

write for us+ paid

Insert Keyword &write for us+ paid

write for us


Fiverr may not sound new to you but it is a great place to start getting jobs.

In fact, it is the most reliable source for offering content writing services.

All you need is to create a gig and Fiverr does the promotion for you.

And the Good part is, people are literally getting paid up to $120-$500 and also less in writing.

content writing services on fiverr

And that is how sweet Fiverr can be.

Unlike other options I mentioned earlier, Fiverr already has the customers you only just need to set your Gigs and the jobs come chasing you.

Thanks to this approach, I made my first bucks on Fiverr and you too can do that yourself.

Fiverr earnings

But the Bad side is, that Fiverr is getting more competitive every single day by day due to the potential opportunities in it.

But that doesn’t mean you won’t get a job if you register with Fiverr, the only thing is for you to just be strategic about your gig and how you promote it.

Well, there is more to Fiverr that I can’t cover within a few texts, so if you want to enjoy the benefits of it, I can recommend you to a course that can ensure your success on Fiverr.

Either way, ket move further down the list.


Sproutgigs were initially called Picoworkers before they changed their name to “sproutgigs

Before that, picoworkers is a platform where you perform micro-tasks that pay you less than $2 and get paid.

But we are not expatiating more on that, because that is not the purpose of this content.

So recently, ever since the name Picoworkers changed to sproutgigs, there has been an improvement in their platforms, and that improvement is also a potential opportunity you should tap into.


And it is all about writing offering services and getting paid by clients.

sproutgig writing services

They recently launched the Gig sections where you can sell your services as a freelance writer.

And the Good part is that they have over 245.4K search visits per month according to similar web statistics.

So it has searches already, this is an opportunity for you all to tap into right away.


Upwork is just on the same principle as Fiverr does, and they are one of those best Fiverr alternatives.

You can sign up as a user and also create a gig and sell your writing services.

There are a bunch of potential clients there too.

upwork homepage


Latium is also a freelance platform where you also create gigs and offer services in exchange for money.

And they mostly accept payments in any form of cryptocurrency.

latium freelance writing

They are less competitive, unlike Fiverr.

And it is a good way to start.

Follow Popular Blogs

Throughout my years of writing journey,

I recently discovered one other opportunity many bloggers, and freelance writers don’t talk about, in terms of getting writing jobs.

And it always yielding out positive results for me.

Over to you, is there any popular blogs you do read most often or blogs that a run by cooperative peoples?

The possibility is there that they are in need of a content writer, and if they do, how will you find out?

Their blog footer menu or menu section.

blog footer menu

And then you get a list of job openings.

ahrefs job opening

Problogger Jobs

Problogger is one of the most popular blogs where you can learn any information about SEO, blogging, content marketing, and more.

But they have a section on their site where most people like me and you find interesting.

It is the “Job section“.


How does it work?

You create an account with them to be able to apply for writing jobs on ProBlogger.

And you see a list of writing jobs handy for you.

problogger jobs

And receive up to $45/hour.

$45 per hour writing jobs

And last on the check lists is,


As it may sound primary is also a site where you write and get paid instantly too.

If not Fiverr, then Upwork

If not upwork then freelancers or Peopleperhours.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams