Internet Marketing and Online Business

In today’s posts,

Am going to be sharing 53 listicle Random blogging tips and ideas that can grow your blog from zero “0” to a figure scalable.

The good part is, It is a walk-through list of posts that serve as a roadmap to a successful blogging career.

The part is, that every blogger has different goals for running their blog.

Some bloggers who post about random stuff & end up popular because people find them to be fun, while others blogs to profit in some ways.

The crucial part is all about Getting audiences & building an empire.

Today’s listicle guide will give you random blogging ideas and tips you can leverage to achieve the purpose of running a successful blog.

Build your website with Namecheap!

Getting Started With Random Blogging Ideas:

blog ideas

It begins with

#1. Pick a niche:

What aspect of blogging are you going to specialize in?

Is it something about a topic you love or cherish so much not just some random blog niche

It should be niches/sub-niches you are deeply passionate about,

If Yes then go for it.

#2. Choose a good hosting and domain:

Blogging wouldn’t exist without hosting and a domain.

For a domain, you can use your name or a branded name as your blog name.

Anyway, a lot of bloggers will say, to choose a domain name related to your niche, But to me, that doesn’t matter.

It can be anything, and see Amazon’s e-commerce websites as an example.

The domain name Amazon is a tropical rainforest located somewhere in this world I feel too lazy to know about.

It is not even related to E-commerce.

Who cares anyway, just make sure it is easy to spell and able for anyone to remember If so then go for it.

Better still you can use your name, whatever suits you. It works fine.

Hosting on the other hand is very crucial and you need to have a host, It is where all information about your content are being stored.

Think about the technical aspects of the websites like Sites speed, loading time, and downtime.

All this can cause bad experiences with your audiences on your websites, and having good hosting makes it better to avoid cases like this.

#3. Choose a content management platform (CMS):

There are quite a lot of CMS places you can manage your blog,

There are tons of them like WordPress, Wix, Blogger, Zero, and more.

Above all, WordPress is by far the most popular CMS on the planet. It contains external integrations called Plugins that allow you to maximize your blogging potential.

Learn more: 17 bests blogging tools for wordpress.

Use wordpress for startup and enjoy a better experience blogging.


blog appearance

#4. Build your blog appearance:

Your blog sites have to be appealing to scale out.

The blog design is the first thing your readers/audience are going to see whenever they come across your site.

So making your blog designs good helps you stand out from others and also keeps readers’ minds visually appealing.

#5. Check other successful blog appearances to get ideas for your blog:

Running out of ideas on how classic your blog design should be,

Check out other blogs in your niche and see how their designs look, If it is what you feel is cool and find appealing you can incorporate it like a template to your blog,

Or it can give you a heads-up on what yours should look like.

#6. Create your menu pages:

The home page, menu page, and blog page should be easily spotted for easy navigation.

Remember you have to think about it from your audience’s perspective.

So it bests if you create these pages and group your menu into submenus.

#7. Ensure your blog site is easily navigated:

If your sites can be easily navigated, it helps your conversion rates and audiences to dive into other categories on your blog.

Also, it allows you to monetize your blog easily, especially when applying for ad networks.

Because that is one part of their monetization requirements

#8. Create an about you page:

Take it or leave it, The about you page should basically talk about you and contains the following 6 points.

#9. Your success stories

#10. A compelling story about you

#11. Why you created the blog

#12. Where you were before starting the blog

#13. Your biggest fears and regrets

#14. What your audiences are going to be getting for you

It basically lets your readers know more about the backbone behind the blog,

So it sticks to their mind anytime they read more of your content.

It is just a way of building trust and letting them know you better.

If your audiences know more about you, like you, they will always want to hear more from you.

Content Creation:

content creator

Content is king and creating content is the building block of your blog’s success it also helps you grow your sites

#15. Define who your audience is:

You finally choose a niche, then you are one step ahead of defining who really your audiences are.

If you blog in the Dog niche, then you know your audiences are people who love dogs or are in need of information about Dog and dogs related.

But not narrowing down is the no.1 step to your blog failure.

For example, my blog, damshustle is a blog that talks about making money online and blogging tips.

So I know my readers are those who are interested in becoming online entrepreneurs, Interested in blogging as a hobby or not, etc.

When you know who your audience is, it will be easy for you to create content for their needs.

#16. Write contents for search intent:

The most reliable method to get consistent traffic which equals more readers is through search engines like Google.

And that is when SEO comes into play.

To succeed with SEO you need to understand search intent.

Search intent means the reasons behind the searcher’s query.

For example,

Any users searching for the word “How to write blog posts” are looking for in-depth information on how to become a better content writer.

So if you are in the blogging niche and you create content that talks about it in-depth about writing a better blog post.

Google is going to show your websites to them.

google search intent

That means your content satisfies search intent.

#17. Schedule a timetable for posting content consistently:

Develop a routine of trying to write content on a recurring basis depending on your schedule.

Remember the more content for your blog, the more your audience keeps coming back to consume more information from your post.

#18. Do keyword research:

Don’t just think of any topic and start writing on your blog.

Remember you are writing for people, not for yourself, So to know what topic to write on, you need to do keyword research.

Keywords research simply means finding queries on what your audiences are typing on Google

Google keyword planner can provide details on that for you.

For example, the keywords “paleo meal plan” has an estimation has a good search from Google per month is searched.

google keyword planner

So if you are in the weight loss or food niche, you may consider this topic, That said.

#19. Create posts that solve user’s problems:

Is it not just about knowing what to write?

Think about it….can my article solve my audience’s problem. If yes, then great.

If not scrap it all and do thorough research and rewrite it all again.

#20. Make your post easier to skim & read:

If your wording or texts are like this wall junk full of texts, then you know you have got a bigger problem.

bad sentences

But if it is like this,

how to write a good sentences

Then it makes it easier for your audience to skim and read easily.

So use more paragraphs when necessary and increase the size of your font to a max of 18 or 20

#21. Avoid wrong grammar in your article:

Bad spelling causes bad experiences for your readers.

It can cause your audiences to leave your blog and once that happens, it is a GOODBYE.

Spelling errors, grammar, and punctuation marks should all be taken care of.

Install Grammarly for better references.

Content Outlines:

content outlines

It is usually a way of organizing your content and it helps in making better posts for your audiences and also for search engines.

Pro Tips: SEO software optimization tools can be of help.

#22. Find a proven topic to start writing on (TITTLE):

It all begins with a topic.

You can find proven topics to start writing on,

Proven topics are topics your audiences are searching for on Google, forums related to your niche, and other social media, not just some random blog post topics.

Join forums, and use Google keyword planner to find topic ideas.

Or join other social networks where your potential audience spends time to see what they are actually discussing,

to get proven topic ideas.

#23. Create a nice headline for your post:

It starts with a headline,

The headline is what grabs your reader’s attention and allows them to see what the content has to offer.

So start with a headline that grabs readers’ attention.

#24. Write out a briefly compelling intro about the established topic:

Headlines grab attention,

Introductions keep them scrolling down further when they are reading your article.

So a nice introduction allows them to see what other info you have in your article.

For example, the post on how vidiq 10x my client’s youtube channel is killing it right now.

In my intro, I let my reader know what they will be getting if they read till the end.

add proof to your post

#25. Write like you’re saying it:

As it may sound, write as you say it.

Read out loud when you are done writing.

If it sounds great then your good, if your wording sounds weird to you then you know you need to fix that up

#26. Ensure your break your contents into chunks (subheaders) for easy reading:

No one can read all walls full of texts, break your article into chunks for easy reading.

#27. Enable table of contents (TOC):

Table of contents

Table of contents simply allows your audiences to spot lists of subheaders in your article,

Most times they just needed a few key points from your article,

So TOC allows them to easily spot subheaders they want to read.

#28. Add subheaders when necessary

#29. Make your blog posts epic:

Epic posts actually make you stand out,

See what others in your space are doing that makes their post stand out and create a better version by adding more info your audiences are missing.

#30. Add multimedia when necessary:

Multimedia makes your posts visually appealing in the eyes of your readers.

Add them when necessary, if possible in every post.

#31. Add some form of proof to build your credibility:

As mentioned before, as shown, I added some form of proof to my posts to let them know, my strategy is working great.

add proof to your post

This helps your readers know you are an expert on that topic and they know they are reading from the right source.

#32. Give more than you could in your post:

If it is worth giving more than what you could ever think of, then do it.

#33. Conclusion:

Your conclusion is very important, especially when you want readers to engage in your posts by dropping comments.

It summarizes what your posts are all about and what your take is based on the whole story.

Whenever your readers feel there is a debate on this, they drop their own thoughts in the comments.

#35. Adding CTA (call to action)  to the conclusion:

This usually triggers their mind to drop comments on your blog for interaction.

Most times your audiences may read the blog posts and call it a day.

But adding CTA trigger them too.

E.g which of these XYZ tips are you going to try first,

Lemme know in the comments down below.

Take Control Of  Your Audiences:

take control of your audience

#36. Leverage SEO:

SEO as it may sound (Search engine optimization) is all about optimizing your post for Google search to get more eyeballs to your blog.

If you ain’t leveraging SEO, then you are doing very costly mistakes to your blog, as SEO traffic is 100% free & reliable

#37. Ask your readers to share your posts when needed:

On your posts, it pays most times when you tell your audiences to share your posts.

But not every post deserves that share triggers, so make your content valuable and better.

That way they had no choice but to give it a little push for you.

#38. Promote your content outside your reach:

Nobody knows if your blog exists or not.

But to notify the world about your blog, you need to promote your blog content out there.

Don’t just publish and wait for traffic to roll in, blogging doesn’t work that way.

publish and share your posts to other sites, and forums, where your audiences are spending time.

#39. Build your audiences lists:

Get the details of your audience and build your lists by leveraging email marketing.

That way you collect emails of your visitors and use that to reach out to them later in the future.

Or update them about your new posts, webinars, or products.

As soon as your blog starts getting eyeballs and traffic, then start building lists.

#40. Join other blogging communities:

Join top blogging communities where your audiences are and see what others are saying and interact with the group.

#41. Check out other successful bloggers’ secrets and recipes:

Successful bloggers are successful because they are doing something you aren’t doing.

Build relationships with other bloggers in your space.

See what they are doing that made them successful and implement that for yourself

#42. Leverage video content:

video contents

In most cases there are some contents that your audiences need that cannot be explained within a few pieces of text,

In most cases,

Some practical actionable content sounds better when watching video clips rather than reading blog posts.

So that is when you leverage video for your audience, youtube is a great place to start.

#43. Embed video content on your blog:

embed videos on your blog

If you have a channel or existing videos that you need to reference in your blog posts,

You can embed them in your blog posts or article.

It makes your article more comprehensive enough.

Final Words (The Reality About Everything)

truth about blogging

#44. Blogging takes time:

It takes time for you to find success for your blog, it is just a fact.

It never going to come early, blogging takes time and requires effort to succeed.

Your determination toward it is what determines the success of your blog.

So have patience and keep grinding.

#45. Stop looking for shortcuts:

No shortcuts to running a successful blog,

All successful blogs pass through the same process but different approaches.

No shortcuts to writing an epic post,

No shortcuts to getting massive traffic and

No shortcuts to growing your brand.

They require a process and it takes time.

Only the right techniques fasten your success rates not a shortcut to it.

Avoid discouragement from negative minds:

Most times you may get discouraged by families or friends that will make you feel the blog is going nowhere,

But that doesn’t mean they should be your enemy or discourage you from stopping you.

As they always say, people will always talk but never let them kill your dreams.

#45. Avoid the fear of not being imperfections:

Imperfections are just art, avoid the fear of not being perfect.

Perfection comes when there are a lot of imperfections.

Don’t wait, start now.

#46. Money comes later:

Don’t rush too soon to monetize your blog without building an audience, After all, they are your source of monetization.

Instead, provide values first, grow your audiences, and then monetization should come after this process.

#48. Comparing your blog with other successful blogs:

The beginning of your downfall is when you start comparing other successful blogs with yours.

the feeling & doubt about running your blog will lead you to discouragement.

They were successful before you or after you don’t worth the discouragement

We all have different time intervals for our success.

#49. Reach out to other bloggers to let them know your blog exists

#50. Hack into your competitor’s best pages by seeing the audience of the content in your niche loves

#51. Check your site’s weekly reports and create room for improvements

#52. Grow a social audience page for your blog

#53. Remain focused.


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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams