Internet Marketing and Online Business

Reddit is an open discussion forum where people discussed any topics you can’t just find elsewhere.

It is also a great way to discover viral content at an early stage before they take off.

Internet marketers and product owners use Reddit blogging to discover insight into their customer’s persona

In today’s posts,

You are going to be learning how to use Reddit for blogging &,

How you can leverage it to also make money for your business.

That said!

Reddit is absolutely the most popular social media app on the internet with over 400 million posts shared across it

According to statistics,

It has about 1.5 billion total visits in 2022,

Making it the most widely used forum in the US (united states).

Find more statistics at Statista

But before we dive deeper,

You need to understand a few basic terms that you can find when on Reddit.

Understanding The Basics Concepts Of Reddit

Just as mentioned earlier.

Reddit is a community-generated forum where there is an accumulation of content to be discussed.

It is divided into communities called Sub-reddits which are niched communities or forums that discussed a particular topic/subject.

reddit posts

For example,

If you are interested in learning more and finding useful information about the content in the digital marketing space,

Then you should join the digital marketing Sub-reddits.

Or you are a hand made full of crafts, join the DIY niche

If you are a business owner, then the Entrepreneurs  Sub-reddits should be a great place for you.

Unlike other microblogging platforms where the popularity of a post is determined by the number of likes and reactions.

Reddit is simply based on “Upvotes” or “Downvotes” indicated with an arrow directing up/down.

The more upvotes the more the conversations actually contribute to the posts, and the more downvotes the less significant it is to the post.

Common Terms Found On Reddit


A niched community that discussed a specific topic.

Each subreddit has its own sets of rules and policy guidelines to it and is managed by the moderators.

It is advisable to read rules and regulations or policy guidelines for any subreddit you are participating in to avoid getting kicked out by the moderators.

As shown below is a photo of a subreddit indicated by the URL  r/subreddit.

This image shown is r/enterprenuership, a subreddit for anyone interested in becoming an entrepreneur.

example of a subreddit


what is karma on reddit

This is usually a score awarded to a Reddit user based on the quality numbers of upvotes over downvotes, which provides more benefits allowing you to participate/join some exclusive communities.

It also proves to moderators a sense of legitimacy of your credit profile and online reputation.

The more upvotes you get, the higher your karma and vice versa.

So making valuable posts boosts the odds of getting upvotes, thus karma.


what are reddit moderators

As the name implies, they have the ability to remove users and comments and ban any profile that goes against the policies of its subreddit.

It also gives permissions to specific Redditors in a given subreddit.

AMA (Ask Me Anything):

Ask me Anything On reddit subredddit

Just as it may sound,

It is simply where a user asks a question and others are expected to drop their own feedback.

Many business owners leverage these options for themselves (more on that will be discussed later).

How To Use Reddit Properlyhow to use reddit

The goal of every online forum is to ensure its audiences are well engaged & active on their platforms,

And also ensures there are limited signs of inappropriate activities, provided they have policies guiding it.

Whoever goes against these policies can be therefore penalized and it can also lead to the deactivation of the user accounts based on the level of its penalty.

One of its kind is Reddit.

They can be so strict when it comes to this aspect.

Especially the fact that many marketers come in with the aim of self-promotional content, spamming, and posting links without providing value to users on the platform.

As much as Reddit can be a great place to give your business/blog its awareness but doesn’t permit users to engage in activities like

Self-promotional content,

Bullying users,


Posting links without providing value to users on the platform ETC.

Instead, to get the best out of it, your primary focus should be.

Providing values for the community and build a good profile

So here are some great tips that can give you that credibility and also allow you to self-promote your brand/blog/paste links without getting banned.

Post Relevant Captivating Contents/Comments on any Subreddits:

Posting captivating posts and adding relevant comments is one way of contributing to the forum Reddit and gaining karma points.

The more relevant it is for your comments to the posts, the more upvotes you get which in turn means more Karma in handy for you.

If less significant or unuseful (downvotes), it can lead to a loss in karma points.

Ensuring you are providing a handy full of positive comments and posts can actually attract you more points.

Read The Rules And Regulations For Any Subreddits You Are To Participate In:
For any subreddits, it is best if you check for rules and regulations guiding each subreddits.
This will actually help you a lot especially when you don’t have

How To Leverage Reddit For Blogging

Blog on reddit

Reddit can be used in terms of blogging but its sole purpose for its existence, as it was not designed to suit blogging purposes.

Reddit is a forum and you can’t blog on forum sites.

But you can only leverage it for your blogging business or whatever reasons that suites your blog perspectives.

This is where Reddit comes in handy for you.

Here are the top ways Reddit can actually scale your blogging business for you.

Reach a wider audience

Every blogger knows this.

Creating blog posts is just one piece of the puzzle, but what matters is promoting that posts to a wider audience.

I mean?

Who wants to create blog posts that no one reads or even come across?.

So when it comes to sharing your posts to reach a wider audience,

Reddit is a great platform to help you get started.

That way you trying to reach out to more audiences to your blog from Reddit.

Either to drive traffic to your money pages on your blogs or, Your affiliate links, Or Ads pages, Selling ebooks and courses.

It all works well.

After all the goal is to get traffic to these pages.

reddit referral traffic

The Reddit users dropped a helpful answer to the question and a link to her site as shown,

Is a Hyperlink from Reddit comments linking out to a blog which brings in referral traffic to that blog.

To begin with,

  1. Sign up and create a Reddit account
  2.  Join subreddits related to your niche (make sure you read each policy and guideline before joining)
  3. Build Trust In Your Profile By answering questions and dropping useful comments related to the posts,        That way you build your profile and also give up a heads up in attracting more upvotes which in turn leads to more karma.

The more Karma you get the more it actually proves to moderators a sense of legitimacy of your credit profile and online reputation.

This also gives you an edge over other Redditors in any subreddits, allowing you to be able to post links related to the reasons for posting it.

Discover Trending Topics For Your Blog Posts

Reddit is a goldmine that you can use to discover topics that are about to take off.

So you can hop on it before the competition becomes saturated.

Whereas there are lots of subreddits in different niches,

You can brainstorms topic ideas for your blog.

It is also a great way to discover new ideas and information related to your blogging niche.

See what others are sayings and that will give you insights into what your audiences are in need of.

use reddit to get blog topic ideas

In most cases, information gotten from forums like this cannot be found on google.

So it is best to leverage it to generate topic ideas for your blog posts.

Keywords like Email campaigns, Inexperienced marketing, and email marketing are also great topic ideas for any blogger in the marketing space.

Google Search Engine Friendly

One interesting fact about Reddit that makes a lot of bloggers who also want to take advantage of this feature,

Is a fact that Reddit is also Google-friendly from an SEO standpoint.

Ever search something on google and you come across Reddit’s thread ranking on google search results.

This shows how SEO-friendly Reddit is, as it can also bring you targeted traffic from search engines too.

reddit post ranking on google

How Can Reddit Improve Your Business Goals

use reddit for your business

Every business owner’s dream is to give their business/brand the awareness it deserves,

Which in turn can lead to more customers & sales.

So they come on forums LIKE Reddit where most of their potential customers are & try to create brand/product awareness, for their business.

Which is actually rewarding in the long run.

A study shows that 90% of users on the internet leverage Reddit as a source for getting more detailed information about a particular product/brand than any other source on the internet.

number of people who use reddit to discover products/brand updates

Full stats here

But most businesses are actually doing it the wrong way.

Here is what I mean?

Instead of providing value by answering or posting valuable content regarding their brand.

They strictly engage 100% on self-promotion and Reddit HATES this.

This sneaky promotion can only be achieved if you are running ads on the platform,

But the other way round if you are promoting a brand without ads.

As mentioned earlier, “Providing values for the community and building a good profile” pays more.

And that is what Reddit loves more as they put more effort into their company integrity and penalize accounts that go against their rules.

That said!

Here are ways Reddit can help you improve/reach your business goals the right way.


Contribute To Relevant Subreddits:

As a business owner/brand building contributing to other subreddits in your business space can give your business awareness.

That way people tend to see the efforts your business is putting to share good information and value they are providing to the marketplace,

That alone gives your business more credibility.

Most moderators usually permit users who have contributed a lot to the community to drop links to their companies page provided that,

it solves the needs of their audience and is related to what the subreddits are all about.

Build Up More Karma For Your Profile:

As a brand owner,

Building up karma should be a top priority for your profile

The more karma you have the more authority it gives your profile and thus more credibility to your brand.

Redditors love profiles with more karma,

Which indicates the usefulness and the authoritative of that account

Put Your Potential Audience First:

If you put your audience first before anything,

It shows how much value and love you have for them,

Either way

That is what Reddit actually wants from any users on their platform & AVOID you from facing penalties.

Posting Captivating Posts That Suites Your Business Goals:

Posting captivating content can trigger the emotions of your potential audiences/customers rather than be self promotive and get a strike from Reddit.

If your goal is to engage and generate awareness with videos, Reddit is up to the task.

Here is a Podcast of Jimmy Hickey the core Founder of the Findlay Hats store.

They sell hats with some packs full of customizable lases.

JIMMY HICKEY made a podcast on Shopify on how he made $28,000 on a single Reddit post.

Luckily for you here is jimmy’s speech.

Leverage The AMA:

The AMA (ask me anything) section is a goldmine that can keep you with insanely actionable plans and ideas on what should be part or not of your business based on your customers’ needs.

You can leverage the AMA as a resource for this option.


You can ask your potential customers to share their experience with XYZ services or products in the AMA section.

Most time asking for info about your competitors can give you insights on what they are lacking and how you can reverse engineer that process for your business

But you also need to be strategic about things to avoid any form of partiality.

Best Platform To Conduct Market Research For Your Business:

You can see what people are actually talking about,

Problems they face, experience, and encounter in different scenarios in subreddits of your business type.

And you can use this persona to create a solution to these problems.

It is a great place to conduct market research.

It can also be a great place to hire greater skilled minds for your business.

Know What On Your Customer Mind:

Reddit is a great open place to actually see what your customers are actually talking about your products or your competitor’s products.

your customers mind

That way, you are actually getting more detailed information that you wouldn’t get if you google or stumbled across any places.

For example,

A while back ago in 2014, A fashion retail company dropped a tweet about the community they recently launched back then.

Nordstorm subreddits

After then,

Lots of users dropped some information about their experiences using Nordstroms

And other products related questions that cannot be gotten ordinarily on their websites.

Reddit Ads Shouldn’t Be Your Company Priority:

Reddit ads are actually killing it right now (a lot of blogs do say).

Is it the best platform to run ads for your offers/business or brand?

Well, I don’t know.

According to a research study.

It also has 9x faster purchase decisions than any other social platform due to the fact that it is higher super targeted.

reddit buyers rates statistics

But does this stat holds TRUE?

I would say in most cases but not all the time.

A recent study by Alex Berman has proven Reddit’s ads tend to be overhyped by internet marketers.

a case study on reddit ads

In his experiment,

He spent over $25o on Reddit ads and generated over 2000 sessions with no LEADS.

Where one of his videos gets 300 organic views when someone posts his videos on Reddit.

Which is far HIGHER than his $250 ads spent

This leads to his conclusion that posting organically pays better than running ads on Reddit.

So does that mean you shouldn’t run ads?


Running ads should be your business choice.

If it is to build and create more awareness then go for it.

But it shouldn’t be your priority.


Here are common related questions about Reddit that are discussed on the internet.

Can You Blog On Reddit?

No,, You can’t blog on Reddit as it was actually launched as a forum-based site, but only microblogging activities actually take place there.

Is Reddit A Blog Site?

Reddit is not a blog site because it was actually designed as a forum but suites microblogging perspectives.

What is the best Reddit Alternative?

The best Reddit alternative is Quora, which is also a forum where topics and information from different sources are discussed.

Final Thoughts

Reddit is a community with lots of users on the planet who come to share their experiences, encounters, and problems,

Information about anything that can be present on earth.

Due to its FLEXIBILITY, it can be of great help for our business,

Most blog owners tend to leverage Reddit to drive traffic to increase their website’s audience.

That said.

In today’s posts,

Which of the above-mentioned tips are using to create awareness for your blog/business,


Are there any tips that you may have encountered with that wasn’t mentioned here

Either way

lemme know in the comment below.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

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