When it comes to blogging, writing should be every blogger’s priority.
But truth be told, not every bloggers loves to spend hours writing.
While some are interested in blogging but aren’t good at writing and looking for a way to start a blog without getting their hands dirty.
So whichever category you are in, then you will love this post.
In fact, these approaches am about to mention are very scalable and will also help you get maximum results even if you are not the one doing the writing job.
Think of it like a business. You got the idea and you have a team that does the job for you.
They work for you and then you make 10x, and they get paid a fraction of it.
So am going to cover 6 unique ways you can get the job done without hitting your keyboards.
So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.
But wait?
Why Should You Start a Blog in First Place?
Blogging is one of the most sufficient and reliable ways to build a brand and develop an online presence for your business.
And the Good part is: It requires only a fraction of your time to begin.
And an average blogger earns $45,000 while others are six figures.

This shows the fact that blogging is 100% a good investment, profitable, and can turn you into a six-figure earner like Adam enfroy.
And the reality behind this blogging process is not what most newbies see it the way it is meant to be.
It involves some practices and SEO optimization techniques that can pour in visitors to your site.
But the foundation of all is writing.
And if you don’t want to write, or you don’t want to get your hands stuck on your keyboard.
Then do you still have the opportunity into the blogging space?
The answer is Yes, there is always an opportunity for you to tap into this 6 figures empire.
So with that, here are the ways to start a blog without writing anything.
How Do I Start a Blog Without Writing?
First and foremost, the following checklists should be marked before you further into this process.
- Choose and domain & hosting for your blog (check out this post on how to set up a blog for as low as $35)
- Choose your blog niche/topic
- Generate keyword and blog ideas, to begin with.
So let’s start off with 6 ways you can get this done.
So even if you are not a good writer or not a proficient writer and don’t want to give up your blogging dreams.
Then this 6 step-by-step approach works just fine.
Make Videos And Convert Them Into Texts:
I get the gist, if you can’t write then you would love to make a Youtube video.
Hubspot found that blogging is the most popular and utilized resource for a successful content marketing campaign.
And the real part behind this is that, despite it being the most popular, videos make up 60%.
Either blogging or Making videos, they both work hand in hand somehow.
Now I know your primary purpose isn’t to make videos but rather to blog.
Yeah, the thing is you can make videos about the topics you want to cover on your blog and convert them to texts, and then paste them into your blog post. easy breezy.
That way, you are creating content on the scale (On youtube and your blog).
In fact, backlinko founder Brian Dean is a big fan of this approach but he does his own in a reversible way.
Brian dean converts his blog posts into videos and that puts his content marketing effort on a scale.
How To Convert Youtube Videos Into Articles/Texts.
1) Upload the video on Youtube from your Youtube studio.
2) Locate the video folder in Your YouTube studio and click subtitles.
In other words, Youtube has automatically generated subtitles for the video you uploaded.
And then copy all as shown below.
After copying it, upload it to your blog and use Grammarly to edit for grammatical errors.
What if it is not your video?
Then download whichever video you want to use and upload them on these Tools to help you convert your video file into text.
That said and the next option is.
Hire a Freelance Expert writer:
As easy as it may sound, it is just all about hiring expert writers and not freelance writers.
When I mean expert writers, am talking about writers who are focused and expert on a topic.
For example.
I write about topics on forex trading because I trade forex when am not blogging.
And also write about making money online because I also make money online as well.
But there are some levels of proficiency where my writing skills fall in.
If I were to write about forex my level of proficiency only relies on certain topics under forex trading.
My approach to forex trading is only price action and trend trading, so if am to write about indicators, my level of proficiency will be quite low because I don’t use indicators to trade.
So why write about something I don’t use despite they are all under forex?
In other words, hire someone who is a big fan of trading with indicators.
How about Making Money Online?
Despite I make money online, I do not write on topics like making money online with e-commerce and making money with dropshipping.
Even though they are all about making money online, my area of expertise is not in that category.
But if it were how to make money blogging and youtube, then count me in.
I hope you get the gist.
In summary, narrow down your topic.
So where is the best place to hire freelancers, I recommend Fiverr.
Start A Podcast series:
Podcasting is simply one of those ways you can start a blog without writing.
In case you don’t know what a podcast is? It is simply a better way of creating content and using that content to interact with your audience through audio.
Not just audio alone, but video podcasting too.
Whichever method, they still work.
For video podcasting, you can upload them on Youtube and follow the step-by-step approach as mentioned in no. 1.
For audio, you can import your podcast file into this tool and it converts them into transcripts and written texts for your for free.
An example of sites leveraging this approach is the Nichepursuits blog.
They interview successful bloggers on their podcasts and upload the transcripts in form of blog posts.
Allow Guest Posts From Expert Authors:
Guest posting or Guest blogging, whichever way is the same thing.
It simply gives other authors or expert writers the opportunity to share their thoughts on Your blog.
That way, they write an article for you to publish on their blog so they can build an eye within your own audience.
But how do you also benefit from this? You also got some free articles without even putting in any work.
For example, I recently published a guest post on crowdfire blog.
And that resulted in a free article for them.
So guest-posting is a tactics you cant ignore if you want to start a blog without having to write.
How Can You Do This?
Create a new page with the title Guest posts.
Replicate with this list of guest blogging sites and see how they structure their content, so you can actually replicate it for your sites.
So whenever other sites in your niche find you just the same way you see others, they reach out to you for guest posting.
Remember the guest posts I did on a popular social media marketing blog, this was how I got in touch with them.
So I reached out to them and they accepted.
Generate Contents From AI:
This approach still works like crazy and a lot of bloggers are leveraging it like it is no one’s business.
Though am not a big fan of using AI tools, they can keep the ball rolling for you.
Just plug your keywords into any AI tool that writes articles and they autogenerate written texts for you.
As simple as ABC and you get them within a few clicks.
But I have a piece of Good and bad news for you…
The Good news is, AI-generated content is not against google webmaster, so you’re free from getting penalized.
In fact, Google recommends using AI to create helpful content but not to manipulate its algorithm.
The word helpful is only applicable when you create content that solves user problems rather than writing just for ranking purposes.
Pro tips…If SEO is your primary source of traffic, use AI to write quality content for users first and optimize for SEO later.
That is on the Good side but the Bad side is the opposite.
Google made it clear.

If SEO is part of your content marketing or any way of getting traffic, you need to be strategic about this approach.
Why? because Google penalizes websites or blog owners who go against their webmaster guidelines.
You don’t want to be a victim of such, so don’t get stuck in the mud.
So How Can You Do this The Right Way?
Generate content through AI and edits it to your own taste.
Don’t be lazy about it, if an AI could generate content for you within a few minutes, spend some time editing it and making it look original.
PLR Articles:
It is simple, PLR articles are free articles written by other writers and they upload them for you all for free.
Now You can search for articles in your niche in the PLR database.
Copy the articles, rephrase them to your taste, and then upload them to your blog.
Must I rephrase every article on PLR?
Yes, you should because it is free, so everyone would probably be doing the same thing you are doing and that can cause plagiarism.
So editing the articles will save you from this mess.
Editing articles doesn’t equal writing but they both require a small amount of work.
Easy and simple.
Starting A Blog Without Writing Worth it?
I know it going to hurt you when I say this but starting a blog without having to write isn’t going to make your blog stands outs from the others.
Why have a blog in the first place when you know you are not willing to write content?
Those who are successful in blogging are those who spend some time creating content that no one else can replicate.
All the above-mentioned easy ways to start a blog without writing are not going to take your blog to 6 figures.
If it is easy to make content and copy, then it can be easily replicated by others as well.
So as you leverage such an approach, also spend some time learning and trying to improve your writing as it will save you.
- Money for hiring expert writers
- Makes your content stand out
- Makes your content Unique
- Your competitors cannot easily replicate what is on your sites.
Ok so let me know if this approach is still part of your plan.
Or rather try to improve on your writing, I would love to hear in comments.