Internet Marketing and Online Business

Everyone can become a blogger.

But not all are willing to venture down the path of owning a blog and shouldering the full responsibility that comes with it.

In most cases, it could be the costs and resources of running a personal or business blog.

So they prefer alternative means by “blogging without a website”.

And that leads us to the purpose of today’s post…..

Can You Blog Without A Website?

Certainly, you can engage in blogging without the necessity of creating yourwebsite.

This is achievable through third-party platforms such as Medium, LinkedIn, and others.

However, there are both pros and cons to consider when pursuing this approach to blogging.

You can consider this approach if it suits your blogging needs.

And will cover them in a bit.

8 Ways To Blog Without A Website?

Let’s dive into 8 ways how to start a blog without having a website.

Vocal Media:

Vocal media homepage

Vocal media is one of my all-time favourite platforms to blog without a website.

  • it’s free
  • Enables writers to make money through reads and engagements

publish article on Vocal

When it comes to compensating writers, Vocal Media still manages to distinguish itself from other free blogging platforms.

Sylvie Soul, a fan fiction content writer, decided to put Vocal Media to the test and uncovered that they offer higher compensation compared to their giant competitor, Medium, which pays…

In terms of revenue, Vocal Media excels in compensation compared to Medium.

However, there’s one crucial aspect where Medium outshines Vocal Media, making it the recognized and premier platform for blogging and sharing your writing.

This leads us to the next significant consideration…

Medium Blogging:

medium publishers

Medium does the same as a traditional wordpress blog could do…

And it satisfies the neeeds for writers and bloggers………

The Good Part: Its free… Just sign up on medium and start publishing

write articles on medium

If you’re considering blogging without a website, medium has all it takes to turn your writing into reality.

And it comes with these benefits

Medium Partner Program:

The medium partner program  is a revenue-share system between the company Medium and its writers.

They allows writers and blog owners to turn their article into money income machine without limitations…

articles on how creators make money on medium partner program

They more views and subscription you get, the more revenue to make from medium

According to similarweb, medium has over 138million already built in audience ready to read your articles.

How much traffic mediums gets

So you already have a built in audience ready to digest your contents….


When it comes to blog traffic, nothing beats SEO….

Medium’s SEO-friendly nature makes it an ideal platform for blogging without feeling the significant impact of not owning your own domain or hosting.

Medium articles possess the potential to achieve high rankings on Google and make money through affilaite marketing.

medium sites ranking on google

 While also enabling you to grow your email subscriber lists.

medium list building

Compared to vocal media, Medium has the potential to expand your writing career and also enjoy SEO benefits.

Now to the next……..


simily writer homepage

Simily burst onto the scene in the last quarter of 2021, and it’s rewriting the rules for aspiring authors everywhere.

📣 The Journey Begins with 100 Followers :

Simily knows that building a dedicated readership is crucial for writers’ success.

That’s why they’ve set a benchmark of 100 followers before creators can start monetizing their content.

This threshold encourages engagement and ensures that writers have a community to share their work with before diving into the monetization pool.

💰 Monetization: A Glimpse into the Future:

Simily pays $0.2 per view on content.  But remember, it’s crucial not to get too comfortable.

Simily’s forward-thinking approach means that these rates are subject to change.

This keeps creators on their toes, constantly striving for excellence and adapting to evolving market trends.


In just three months, I’ve achieved significant growth for my client’s brand on Quora.

We’ve seen a remarkable increase in content views, reaching over 29.4K.

my 24k views Quora profile

This growth was a crucial part of the marketing strategies I employed to boost my client’s YouTube channel by 150% in the same three-month period.

I owe much of this success to Quora, as it allowed me to maximize their platform for increased brand visibility.

When it comes to blogging, Quora Spaces outperforms other options.

Best Feature: Quora Spaces:

One of the standout features of Quora Spaces is its ability to serve as an online hub for your followers.

It provides a space where they can connect, engage, and learn from each other, much like a traditional blog.

Additionally, Quora Spaces has the advantage of being SEO-friendly, which means it can rank well for relevant keywords on Google.

What sets Quora Spaces apart even further is its unique monetization option.

Monetized Quora space

Unlike other platforms, Quora Spaces allows you to earn from your content.

Quora monetization

It’s a place where you can curate top-notch content on your area of expertise and use it as a launching pad for deeper discussions.

You can also appoint moderators and contributors to help manage and enrich your Space.

Blogger (Blogspot):

I can relate to your experience from three years ago when I was in a similar situation, searching for a platform to start a blog without the added costs of domain and hosting, which were my biggest concerns at the time.

I eventually discovered Blogspot and decided to launch my first blog on that platform.

Unfortunately, my initial attempt was a significant failure.

damsnaija- nick dams first blogpot blog

However, it’s essential to note that my personal failure doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of Blogspot as a platform.

In my case, I simply lacked the guidance and support needed to succeed at the time.

Sofanmax is an example of a successful blog hosted on Blogspot, demonstrating that the platform can indeed be a viable option for those looking to make money through blogging.

a blogspot domain monetizing with ads network

And also performs well in terms of SEO.

blogspot blog ranking on Goggle

So, while my initial experience may have been challenging, Blogspot can be an excellent choice for getting started and building a successful blog, especially when you have the right guidance and resources.

LinkedIn Blogging:

When i search for keyword “how to send resume through emails“, i found linkedin article ranking….

linkedin post:how to send resume through email

What does this tells you? Linkedin is also a medium to blog even without having a websites and SEO-friendly.

And i could testify to this from other bloggers who leverage linkedin as a blogging medium.

microblogging on linkedin

Linkedin is the largest business-oriented networking website that is suited for professionals and career development personnel with over 830Million members.

And people still think, if it is possible to blog on Linkedin? absolutely.

Just create and account on Linkedin and create article.

write articles on linkedin

And start publishing…

write a linkedin post


If you’re not into regular blogging, then you might find microblogging more appealing.

Microblogging is a bit unlike traditional blogging, and one of the major distinctions is the length of the content they share.

microposts on reddits

For example, traditional blogging typically involves writing longer articles with more text compared to microblogs.

The beauty of microblogging is its simplicity. You can use social media platforms as a means to microblog effectively.

Discover More: Your Ultimate Guide to Microblogging in 2023!


example of a tumblr microposts

In the world of online platforms, Tumblr often doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, and this lack of attention actually works in its favor by keeping the competition relatively low.

According to SimilarWeb, Tumblr is estimated to attract a significant number of visitors, including people from the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries.

Tumblr was specifically designed to cater to the blogging needs of budding writers who want to share their thoughts without the hassle of creating their own websites.

The Bad part is: They dont pay writers unlike platforms like Medium, Vocal Media, and Simily.

This doesn’t mean you can’t develop a dedicated following on Tumblr.

In fact, Tumblr offers a feature that allows you to easily share video and article links, providing a way to engage in microblogging and connect with your audience.

Why Bloggers Need a Website?

The above platforms gives you differents options to be able to blog without the cost of paying for domains and hosting.

Which is 100% cool until you realize that you dont have full control of your websites.

Check out medium who deleted my entire article because i violated their rules.

medium: my account got suspended

All my 23 articles where gone without back up and this was because of the issue of affiliated links in my articles.

This wouldnt have been happened if it were to be my personal website.

So it is at your best interests to understands that blogging without websites comes with alot more limitations than opportunities in long run.

Here are reasons why you need to own your own websites:

  • Build your brand
  • No limitations
  • Monetization strategies

Which Platform Is Best For Blogging In Free?

The following platforms are best for blogging for free:

  • Vocal Media
  • Simify
  • Tumblr
  • Linkedin
  • Medium
  • Quora

Over To You?

Which of these platforms are you going to try first?

Do you prefer SEO-friendly platforms like medium or double down on vocal?

Whichever is your objectives, let me know in the comments.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams