Internet Marketing and Online Business

Have you ever found yourself wanting to republish an article from one blog to another, or take an indexed article that’s already ranking well on Google and hopes to maintain its ranking on a new blog?

This situation is quite common especially when the article is receiving a significant amount of traffic.

However, bloggers may have concerns about being penalized by Google for duplicate content or copyright infringement when republishing their articles.

In today’s discussion, we will address some common misconceptions about republishing articles on a new blog.

Keep reading to learn more.

Can I republish a blog post?

Yes, you can republish a blog post on a new blog. However, it’s important to do it correctly to avoid any duplicate content issues or copyright infringement.

Some tips for republishing a blog post include updating the content, adding new information, and redirecting the original URL to the new post to avoid any SEO penalties.

It’s also important to check the terms of use and copyright policies of any third-party websites before republishing content on them

A Case Study Of Mine

When I started this blog, I went too broad with my niche. so I blog about random things and other broadly related keywords beyond my overall topic.

damshustle blog categories on wayback machine

This was Before the Google core update in May 2022. And my blog was affected by this core update.

Google may 2022 Core Update affected damshustle

So I made some broad changes and try to narrow down my topic to build topical authority and E-E-A-T in the eyes of Google until I finally recovered from the may Core update.

damshustle may 2022 core update recovery

So I started deleting some articles that are not related to my topical map and 401 redirects them.

But here is One thing? Most of the deleted articles took me days to research and countless hours to draft them all.

Deleting most of those articles for Good was a no-no for me. So I had to figure out a way to republish those articles to a different blog closely related to that niche.

Luckily for me, The company I was recently working with had a blog in that niche my deleted article fits in.

The deleted article on my blog was already ranking on page 1 for its keyword but I lost interest in that topic because my niche is not related to trading.

damshustle On google first page ranking for forex trading with monthly returns in Nigeria

So I copied and paste the entire article word for word and republished it on the company blog I was working with because the topics matched their blog purpose.

republished article

Here is a Link to the article on Wayback machine:

Republished article on a new blog:

And it ranked page 1 for that keywords.

republished article ranking on Google

But that is just one piece of the puzzle, I 301 redirect them to the company blogs and  I didn’t get any form of copyright infringement, duplicate content in the eyes of Google, or any form of penalty because I am the sole owner of the content.

301 redirect republished article to new blog using Yoast seo plugin

Whenever you find yourself in situations like this, 301 redirect is your best bet.

This ensures there are no broken links on my blog and anytime visitors from search find a way through that article, it redirects them to the republished article.

So it only takes a couple of days for Google crawlers to be able to recognize this activity and update their results with the newly republished links.

Learn more about Google recommendations on 301 redirects.

What are the rules for reposting blog posts?

The rules for republishing blog posts on another blog can be a very sensitive situation that needs to be tackled with proper caution to avoid any legal or ethical issues, here are some general rules to follow:

Use canonical tags:

If you are reposting a blog post on the same website, consider using canonical tags to indicate to Google that the original post is the authoritative source of the content.

This can save you from duplicate content issues that may harm your website’s search engine rankings.

Give proper credit:

When reposting a blog post written by someone else or a third party, ensure to give proper credit to the original author by including their name, a link to their website, and the date of the original post.

Add value:

Don’t just copy and paste especially when you are not the sole owner of the contents, add your own insights, commentary, and other additional information that makes the post better than the copied one.

Stick To The Copyright Laws:

Ensure you are not infringing on any copyright laws or claims when reposting a blog post owned by someone else.

For the sake of my case study, the article was written by me, so I had no problem republishing it on someone else blog I am currently managing.

Some blog owners may allow their content to be reposted as long as proper credit is given, while others may not allow any reposting at all.

How do I repost an article on my blog?

There could be a lot of reasons why you would like to repost an entire article on your blog but it is important to always respect the intellectual property rights of others and give proper credit when reposting content especially when you are not the sole owner of the content.

But from an SEO standpoint, this could cause a lot more harm than good if done extensively.

  • Duplicate contents
  • Poor rankings are problems you are likely to face.

Instead of republishing it, I would advise repurposing those contents by ensuring you are adding more information and research to the contents.

I will not consider this a reliable approach because you are exposing yourself to many forms of content violations.

If it happens to be that you are the original owner of the contents, reposting them on your blog word for word would not be a bad idea as long as you ensure you 301 redirect them and rel=canonical tag.

This redirection can be done using Yoast SEO plugin or rank maths or any other redirection plugin if you are using wordpress.

If it happens to be the article is ranking then 301 redirects would pass link juice and traffic to the new blog you republished the content on.

Deleting articles should be based on the author of the owner’s personal reasons.


Can you republish articles on your website?

Yes, you can republish articles on your websites if you have full permission to reuse the article from the author but will advise you not to rely solely on that.

Can I republish my article from one blog to another?

Yes, you can republish your article from one blog to another but ensure you use the rel=canonical tag to indicate to search engines the original post.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams