Internet Marketing and Online Business

In this post, I will present you with 9 actionable ways to make your blog searchable on Google.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your chances of ranking on the first page of Google search results.

The ultimate goal is to attract a large volume of traffic to your website.

I have personally applied these techniques to make my blog more discoverable.

Damshustle blog ranking for keywords like random blogging

And generate a consistent flow of traffic from Google.

nick dams client seo search traffic with 2k visits in last 12 months on search console

Don’t worry, even if you are using a blogger blog or wordpress, I will show you how.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the details.

Connect Your Site With SEO Plugins

If you’re blogging from wordpress, then best believe, you need to connect your site to either Yoast SEO plugin

Yoast seo optimization on wordpress

Or Rankmaths, As both serve the same purpose.

rank maths SEO

Both Ranks Maths and Yoast are SEO plugins that offer a wide range of features and tools to optimize your website for search engines.

These SEO plugins are designed to help you improve your website’s visibility, enhance its search engine rankings, and attract more organic traffic.

They provide valuable features such as

  • Keyword analysis
  • Content optimization suggestions
  • XML sitemap generation
  • Meta tag management
  • Social media integration

By utilizing these SEO plugins, you can effectively optimize your website and improve its chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages.

For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be using the Yoast SEO plugin.

How To Connect Your WordPress Blog With Yoast

Login Into your wordpress Dashboard and click Plugins.

wordpess-plugins section

Search Yoast SEO plugins or rankmaths.

add yoast seo to wordpress plugins

Or upload the Yoast SEO plugin you downloaded from Their official Website.

Fill out the required details as shown.

Yoast SEO optimization settings

Or You can watch this video from Darrel Wilson on how to connect your site with Yoast

And if you are using a Blogger or Blogspot blog, Then quickly head over to the next step.

How To Connect Your Blogger Blog SEO Settings

Login to your blogger Dashboard and activate the following.

blogger seo setting

Meta Tags

blogger meta tags

Crawlers and Indexing setting: This Gives Google access to be able to crawl your websites.

Blogging crawlers and indexing

There you have it.

Adding Your Blog To Search Console

Google search console

The Google search console was created by Google for website owners and administrators to monitor and optimize the visibility of their sites in Google search results.

It provides additional information and tools to help you understand how Google crawls, indexes, and ranks your website.

Check the image below of my blog traffic on the Google search console.

nick dams client seo search traffic with 2k visits in last 12 months on search console

With That, you need to submit your website’s sitemap to Google through GSC for indexing, and also monitor the performance of your website in search results, view search analytics data, identify and fix indexing issues, and receive notifications about potential problems or penalties affecting your site’s visibility from showing in search results..

How To Submit Your Website To GSC

If you using Blogger, you can locate GSC from your blogger dashboard settings.

Locate Gsc on Blogger

With WordPress users, the principle works the same.

Add your Domain or blogger subdomain.

Google search console

Do some verification as indicated by Google.

GSC ownership verification

Add Your Sitemaps.

add sitemap in GSC

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap serves as a navigational map, XML, or HTML file that includes all the links to the pages on your website, making it easier for Google to discover and crawl them effectively.

Without a sitemap, it becomes significantly challenging for Google to properly crawl and index your website.

As a result, your website may not receive the necessary visibility and rankings in Google search results.

If you are using wordpress, Yoast automatically creates a site map you can add to GSC.

You can watch the video above to see how it can be executed.

For Blogger users, Add the below code in the provided text field.


add sitemap in GSC

This is the sitemap code for your blogger blog that you need to add.
That said.

Keyword Research

The above process primarily focuses on improving the visibility of your blog in search engines.

However, to achieve higher rankings and consistent traffic, it is essential to create articles targeting specific keywords that your audience is actively searching for on Google.

But it’s not just about any keywords; it’s about identifying proven keywords that you can easily rank forright away.

By conducting thorough keyword research, you gain valuable insights into the specific words and phrases that people use when searching for information, products, or services online.

This comprehensive keyword research enables you to understand the search intent of your target audience, allowing you to optimize your content accordingly.

By strategically incorporating these proven keywords into your articles, you increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results and attracting consistent organic traffic.

I have personally employed these techniques and successfully ranked number one for this specific keywords.

Damshustle blog ranking for keywords like random blogging

You too can achieve these same results as long as you read till the end.

Use websites like Answer the public.

answer the public homepage

Put in your primary keyword or most common terms your potential audience would be searching for on Google.

And answer the public will generate a handful of easy-to-rank keywords.

Answer the public keywords list

Write Quality Content For Your Target Audience

Quality>Quantity and the same applies to contents.

In other to stand out from the crowd, your content has to be of quality and that is because quality content can help you get.

  • High conversion
  • More leads and customers
  • Lower bounce rates

When I mention quality, I am referring to content that is crafted with the intention of ranking on Google.

The quality of your post is determined by its ability to satisfy user intents and engage readers, which can only be achieved by writing for humans rather than search engines.

And Brain Dean of the Backlinko blog is an example of this approach.

brian dean post showing proof and evidence on 21 ways how to promote your blog

He always shows some proof of legitimacy that he is the right person to walk you through that process.

And that is why his blog tends to have a lot of comments.

Backlinko blog Comments

Google appreciates it when users spend a considerable amount of time on your site. To achieve this, your content needs to be appealing, actionable and well-designed.

Believe me, the design of your blog does matter, and when you take all these factors into consideration, you will undoubtedly create high-quality content.

Before writing an article, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Does this article provide value to users based on the chosen keywords?
  2. Does it contain sufficient information on the topic?
  3. Is it visually appealing?

If these three criteria are not met, then you have a lot of work to do in terms of rewriting them.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves the optimization of your content to be able to rank on search engines.

However, it is crucial to remember that writing for users should not be overlooked.

The goal is to meet user intents while also optimizing for search engines, which is where the concept of SEO copywriting becomes relevant.

While there is much to cover regarding on-page SEO, I will provide you with the most important checklists to keep in mind.

Add keywords in Your Headline and sprinkle them in the Body of your article in a natural way that makes sense.

add keywords in headline

Add keywords in the first 100 words of the article.

add keywords in introduction of article

Meta description and more

Proper Internal Linking

Internal links are hyperlinks that point from one page of your website to another page of your website.

internal linking

Not just that, Google also uses internal linking to find other pages on your site.

If you don’t interlink your articles properly, Google won’t be able to crawl other pages on your web pages.

So if you make life easier for Google, then they will make life easier for you too.


Unlike internal links that point from one page of your site to another page on your site.

Backlinks are links from other websites to your links.


Google considers backlinks as a vote of confidence in websites.

Therefore, the greater number of backlinks you possess, the higher the authority of your blog and the greater the chance to rank for a wider range of keywords.

But building backlinks can be a nightmare for bloggers, which is why most amateur bloggers tend to give up on blogging.

Below are a number of ways to build backlinks.

  • Build relationships with other bloggers in your niche
  • Guest posting
  • Be a source for a journalist

Ensure Your Site Is Mobile Friendly

Damshustle Mobile friendly website

If your site isn’t mobile friendly, you miss out on 80% of your estimated traffic from Google and trust me Google won’t even bother ranking them.

Because 58% of searches on Google come from mobile while desktop makes up 42%.

mobile vs desktop searches

Use these tools to check if your site is mobile-friendly for SEO.

Shorts Permalinks

example pf a permalinks

Short permalinks with concise and relevant keywords are easier for users to read and understand when sharing your post with others.

In other words, short permalinks are Good for SEO rather than permalinks with dates which cannot be updated over time when required
permalink structure

This improves the overall user experience and makes it more likely for people to click on your links in search results.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams