Internet Marketing and Online Business

Canva is generally a graphics design tool but when compared with Invideo, they have something in common. Which is “video editing software“.

In today’s post, I will put canva vs Invideo to the test.

So if you want to know the best video creator/editor software, you’ve come to the right place.

If so let begin:


  • Editor Choice
  • Primary Use: Video editing
  • Video Types & Dimension: Three main formats, user-defined sizes
  • Text-to-Speech: Yes
  • Screen Recorder: No
  • Convert Text to Video: Yes
  • YouTube Intro Maker: Requires more manual input
  • Scene Limitation (Free Plan): 50 scenes
  • Free Plan Video Quality: 720p, watermark
  • Paid Plan Video Quality: 1080p, no watermark


Canva logo
  • Subsidiary 
  • Primary Use: Graphics Design
  • Video Types & Dimension: Multiple templates with auto-resizing
  • Text-to-Speech: No
  • Screen Recorder: Yes
  • Convert Text to Video: No
  • YouTube Intro Maker: Ready-made templates
  • Scene Limitation (Free Plan): No
  • Free Plan Video Quality: High
  • Paid Plan Video Quality: High

Introducing: The Two Competitors

In the blue corner, we have canva.

canva homepage

Canva is widely known for its multipurpose graphics design features.

With a lot of drag and drop interface that makes it beginner friendly.

It comes with thousands of customized templates and a little touch of editing,

which makes it the most widely used graphic design tool.

Not until recently, did the video editing feature come into play.

canva video editor

While Invideo is way different.

While canva started as a graphics design tool, invideo is primarily knowns as Video editing software.

invideo homepage

Comes with over 5000+ customized video templates

invideo templates

Options to convert Texts into Videos by simply doing copy and pasting.

invideo text to texts

Access to over 1m+ premium stock photos and videos you can use for your video.

invideo stock media

Ability to invite video experts as an editor for your videos, the pro version allows you to do this.

invideo editor

If you are a good video editor, you might want to design your videos from scratch, That said!

Invideo allows you to do that.

But if you have no experience with video editing skills just like me,

you will find the invideo software beginner friendly, so with canva.

Canva Vs Invideo: The Differences

Based On Video Types & Dimensions:

Everyone has a reason why they needed to make or edit a video.

And it all boils down to the following

  • Type of videos to be made ( Youtube, ads, or reels).
  • The platforms on which the video is to be promoted on
  • And the sizes of the video

Canva made it easy for you to choose based on different video types.

If the video is for mobile, ok that is fine: canva has it all.

If it ads video, Youtube video, or LinkedIn ad video.

You find a list on canva.

canva video templates

Just choose your video formats and that is all it.

But with Invideo.

invideo video features

You have only 3 video-type options to choose from. Either in any of the 3.

Landscape mode,

Square mode, and portrait mode.

Invideo ratio

Unlike Canva, invideo doesn’t have that list of which type of video you choose to create.

So it is expected of you to know the sizes and dimensions of your videos before using Invideo.

But with canva, you have to choose your video types and it automatically shapes in video size based on the type of video to be created.

Note: Both have a free & paid version, but am judging my reviews based on the free version.

Based On Features:

When it comes to Video editing, there are some cool features you should always look out for.

Based on this comparison “canva vs invideo” let’s find out some features we can find in these tools that the other couldn’t offer.

Texts To Speech (Voice Overs):

Text-to-speech feature is a Goldmine for video content creators.

In fact, it makes you add voiceovers to your videos, which is why invideo is widely used.

If you are like me who loves vlogging but always finds it shy to speak in front of a camera,

Then you will love Invideo

Why? because you can add voice-overs to your videos.

Invideo automated to speech

Is this also possible in Canva?

Am afraid “NO“. instead, you can only import your voice externally.

upload audios on canva

Youtube Intro Maker:

If you are creating a video for Youtube, then you should know how important it is to have a Youtube intro.

It makes your channel unique and brandable.

Either way, making a Youtube intro for your videos can be done using both canva and invideo.

But there is only one problem with this, which is?  You don’t usually know what should your video intro look like.

The transition and more.

But with canva, it is made easy.

canva youtube intro maker

In fact, when I was just starting out my Youtube channel for affiliate marketing.

I was bothered about how should my intro looks like.

But canva made it easy for me, with that.

You find a list of drag-and-drop youtube intro templates for you.

So you don’t need to worry about that or start creating from scratch.

edit youtube intro on canva

But with invideo, it still does a nice Youtube intro.

Specifically, you are required to start from scratch and if you are not a skilled video editor just like me,

then you wouldn’t find it an easy task to do.

In most cases, people download the intro elsewhere and upload it to invideo for advanced editing.

Screen Recorder:

It is one thing to edit videos, it is the other to make a video soon to be edited.

In most cases, some videos require you to screen record your screen, and am afraid with invideo, you can’t do that.

Maybe later in the future, that can be an added feature to the invideo.

But with canva,

In fact, this is one reason I find it interesting to use on canva, so all credits go to them.

Convert Written Texts To Video:

when it comes to converting texts to video, invideo does this.

Invideo text to video

And canva doesn’t.

Ok so let’s move on to the next differences.

Based On Pricing Plan:

With invideo vs canva, both have a free and paid version.

Like I said earlier,

am judging my analysis based on the free plan but there are also some cool features these tools have based on their paid plan.

But one thing I find invideo out of the base for is video quality.

For better video quality, you need to upgrade your plan on Invideo.

invideo video quality downloader

Yeah, though the free plan video quality as well is ok  (720P), the higher version pays the price (1080P HD).

Not just that,

With the free version on Invideo, there is always a watermark in every video you make.

invideo video watermarks

No watermarks” then use the Invideo paid Version

But canva is the opposite. with the free version, you get the following.

Video Quality= HIGH

Watermarks= NO

Based On Accessibility & Limitations:

While putting Invideo to tests, I find something that is worth mentioning.

Scene limitations” yes, just as I mentioned.

With invideo, you are only limited to 50 scenes per video as per the free version.

That sounds like it is not necessary, but when it comes to making lengthy explanatory videos or videos with some little touch of animations, 50 scenes may not actually be enough.

Ok, let’s see if canva does the opposite.

Oh yeah, 51 scenes that amazing

Canva Vs Invideo: Summary Table

[table id=4 /]

Invideo Vs Canva: Similarities

Both have the app version

Both work in the desktop version

Both Free and Paid Version offers templates for creators.

Over To You

I hope I have done justice to both video editing software, canva vs invideo.

Now it’s your turn.

Is there anything I didn’t mention or missing out on in these posts

Then I would be glad if you drop the comments below.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

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