Internet Marketing and Online Business

I’ve read over 20 articles on GoHighLevel (GHL) to find out how much it costs and the details of its pricing plans.

However, most of the information I found seemed to be scraped directly from the GHL homepage, lacking any real hands-on experience with the software.

So, I decided to purchase GoHighLevel (GHL) myself, and it turns out it wasn’t exactly as those bloggers made it seem.

GHL payment receipts

In this post, I’ll share everything you need to know about the actual costs of GHL, including the hidden fees that aren’t mentioned on their website.

If that’s what you’re here for, let’s dive right in!

GoHighLevel Pricing Plans: Which One Is Right for You?

Before purchasing a plan on GoHighLevel (GHL), you need to understand the purpose of using this CRM so you can choose the plan that best suits your marketing needs.

For example, if you’re considering the $297 plan, which is recommended for agency owners, you should know that it might be more than you need if you’re only managing one business or a few clients.

This plan is ideal for those handling multiple businesses or clients, so it’s crucial to assess your specific requirements first.

More about this later.

Either way, GoHighLevel offers three main pricing tiers:

GHL Pricing

  • The Agency Starter Account: $97/month
  • The Agency Unlimited Account: $297/month

Each plan is tailored to different needs, so let’s break down what you get with each one.

Agency Starter Account – $97/month

This is the plan I paid for my client’s business.

GHL payment receipts

And that’s because they’re just one Saas Bussiness, paying for the $297 is just a waste of budget for us.

So if you’re a small agency managing a few clients {Less than 3} then this plan is highly recommended.

It includes all the core features you need to get started:

  1. Account: You can manage {3} Sub accounts, making it ideal for single users or small agencies.
  2. Basic Features: Access to CRM, funnel builder, email marketing, and SMS marketing.
  3. No White Labeling: The platform retains GoHighLevel’s branding
  4. Unlimited Contacts & Users, Add as Many Contacts & Users as You Need!

Note: On the agency level, one sub-account represents one business.

With the $97/month plan, you can manage up to three different clients’ businesses and also important to note that the $97/month plan isn’t the end of all costs.

We currently spend over $400+ per month in recurring subscriptions, which includes additional surcharges when using GoHighLevel. These extra charges include:

These are some of the hidden costs {not found on the website} you need to be aware of when choosing a plan on GoHighLevel.

GHL subcharges in Price

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Agency Unlimited Account- $297/month

As your business grows, you might need more flexibility and power.

This plan is for those who need to manage multiple clients or businesses:

  1. Unlimited Accounts: Manage as many client accounts as you need, making it perfect for growing agencies.
  2. Advanced Features: Includes everything from the Starter Account, plus additional features like membership sites and call tracking.
  3. White Labeling Available: Customize the platform with your branding, which can be a huge plus for agencies.
  4. Custom Mobile App: Get a fully white-labeled mobile app under your brand name, which can be a great way to enhance your agency’s credibility and offer more value to clients.
  5. All Features Included: Everything in the Agency Unlimited Account, but now fully integrated into your custom-branded mobile app.

For agencies looking to take their branding to the next level, this add-on is a game-changer:

These prices reflect the basic monthly cost but also remember to consider potential add-ons or usage-based fees.

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Is GoHighLevel Worth the Investment?

Now pricing is clear but you might be thinking of Gohigh level is worth it.

Yes depending if you fall into any of these categories and it’s all up to you to decide.

You’re a Freelancer or Solopreneur:

If you’re managing your own business and looking to streamline your processes, the Agency Starter Account might be perfect.

It’s affordable and gives you access to powerful marketing tools.

 But if you plan to scale or handle multiple clients {3 subaccounts}, upgrading to the Agency Unlimited Account would be wise.

You’re a Small to Medium Agency:

The Agency Unlimited Account is your best bet.

With unlimited client accounts and advanced features, you can scale your operations without worrying about contact limits or outgrowing the platform.

Plus, the white labeling feature allows you to maintain your branding, which is crucial for client trust.

You Want to Offer a Unique Client Experience:

The White Label Mobile App is a significant investment, but it can set your agency apart.

If you’re committed to delivering a fully branded experience and want to offer your clients a unique mobile app, this add-on is worth considering.

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Customer Support: Although GoHighLevel provides robust support, some users might require more hands-on assistance.

GHL Live support call

Ensure you’re comfortable with the level of support offered in your chosen plan.

What Do Users Say?

To give you a better sense of what to expect, let’s take a look at some user feedback.

HL success stories

Many users praise GoHighLevel for its all-in-one capabilities and cost-effectiveness.

They appreciate how it consolidates multiple tools into one platform, saving them both time and money.

However, some users mention that the platform can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re not tech-savvy. But with time and patience, most find the tools intuitive and powerful.

GoHighLevel vs. Competitors: How Does It Stack Up?

Softwares GHL replaced

GoHighLevel isn’t the only player in the market.

Platforms like HubSpot, ClickFunnels, and ActiveCampaign offer similar services.

So, how does GoHighLevel compare with other software?

Pricing: GoHighLevel tends to be more affordable, especially when you consider the wide range of features included in its plans.

While other platforms may offer similar tools, they often require multiple subscriptions, which can add up quickly.

All-in-One Solution: Unlike many competitors that specialize in one area (like email marketing or sales funnels), GoHighLevel provides a comprehensive suite of tools.

This integration can save you time switching between platforms and consolidating data.

Customization: With the white labeling options, GoHighLevel allows you to maintain your branding throughout the platform, which is not always possible with competitors.

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How Much Does GoHighLevel AI Cost?

GoHighLevel has started incorporating AI features to enhance user experience, but as of now, specific pricing details for AI tools aren’t listed on the main pricing page.

Typically, new features like AI may either be bundled into existing plans or offered as premium add-ons, depending on their complexity and demand.

For the latest updates on AI pricing, it’s best to check directly on GoHighLevel’s website or contact their support team.

How Much Does It Cost to Whitelabel GoHighLevel?

White labeling is a powerful feature for agencies looking to maintain their branding throughout the client experience.

To white label GoHighLevel, you’ll need to be on the Agency Unlimited Account, which costs $297/month.

This investment can be well worth it for agencies aiming to enhance their professionalism and brand identity.

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About the author

Nick Dams is the founder of damshustle and a seasoned marketer at a 6-figure SaaS company. With a focus on successful blogging business and Youtube channel.

Nick has propelled clients' websites, grown their YouTube channels by 150%, and transformed brands into multi-million dollar businesses. He shares that on this blog

You can also follow me on Linkedin and Twitter

Learn More About Nick dams

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